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Life Routines,  Self-Care

My Girl Boss Motivational Secrets: 3 Badass Strategies

Sharing is Caring ♡

Quick, important question: What is your opinion on Elvis Presley? 

Well, I’m obsessed. Here is me being a happy kid after I got the passes to visit Graceland for the first time.

Girl boss motivational secrets
Graceland is where the King used to live. Some say he is alive and still lives there, on the second floor of the mansion (since no one is allowed to go there)… Well, we will never know.

The whole reason why I’m asking this is that Elvis sings a song called “I’m so lonesome I could cry.” 

(Actually, he was not the original singer of this song. It was country-music legend, Hank Williams. But ignore me. My music nerd side is showing). 

And I used to feel those lyrics so profoundly, but in my case, I would sing: I’m so tired I could cry. 

Have you ever felt like that? So tired that you could, literally, cry? 

And the tears running down are not just there because of how exhausted you feel.

You have no strength to follow through with all your plans, routines, and everything else you need to reach for your goals. 

I got stuck in this cycle of being so tired at the end of the day that there was no mental or physical strength for soooo long. 

And it made me frustrated. Mad. And, oh my, so overwhelmed. 

But can I share with you what I’ve learned after some time?

 It’s all about creating space to keep yourself grounded and motivated. 

It’s about filling your tank just enough that you actually feel excited when it’s time to do your stuff (you know after you took care of everyone else. Because that’s just what we do). 

So, here are the three tools I use to keep myself motivated to get stuff done. I hope this can give you some ideas on what you can adapt to fit into your lifestyle.

Motivational Girl Boss Secret #1

Have a simple morning routine

The magic thing about morning routines is that they help you to stay consistent with everything else.

And the secret to consistency is to make it as easy as possible.

I ditched my 2-hour morning routine and crafted one I can do in 15 minutes.

Journaling + praying + read one chapter of the Bible. Boom! 

Motivational Girl Boss Secret #2

Have dance breaks

When I am working and start to judge if what I’m doing is good enough, I stop, take a deep breath, and play my favorite songs.

Then I sing along, and have a private 5-minute dance party.

As I dance my little heart out, I’m all in the moment, feeling like one of Beyoncé’s ballerinas. All while Lucy (my bossy little pomeranian) watches me, judging harshly. You can’t please everyone.

This little break helps me to reset and not take myself too seriously. 

Motivational Girl Boss Secret #3

Take days off

Or even just half-days off from your project when it feels like it is becoming the most important thing in life.

After my burnout, I became serious about not allowing work results to dictate how I think of myself and my worth.

So when I feel myself drifting back into that old pattern, I focus on cultivating the other parts of my life. 

Girl boss motivation

What all those tools have in common is: they can keep our minds focused on what matters. 

So much of the overwhelm and constant tiredness that we feel come from getting busy worrying about things that are not that important. 

Having those small habits in place allows you to focus on what matters: keeping yourself feeling good and excited while staying consistent. 

This will not prevent meltdowns from time to time. God knows I still have those… But it will help you get back faster and learn from it. 

It’s time to get your energy back. 

Always remember: you deserve to live a life you are absolutely in love with.

Now, I want to hear from you! What did you think of those girl boss motivation secrets? Leave a comment below and tell me about it.

If those ideas were helpful, do me a favor and share them! And be sure to pin for later!

Sharing is Caring ♡

Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.


  • Martha

    I hear ya! I definitely have those days where I’m emotionally and physically exhausted, and love your tips here! Love having dance breaks and taking time off is an important one that I think people often forget. Thanks for sharing.

    • Isabelle Dias

      Yes! It’s ok to feel emotionally and physically exhausted from time to time. It’s ok to take a break, catch your breath and keep going. Thank you so much for your comment, Martha!

    • Anonymous

      thank you so much. you’re energy is so magnetic. i have a business including hair skin and wellness and im only 18 and getting started is overwhelming for me given im still grieving of my dad but hearing this really makes my heart open. and im saving this to read again🤎 you’re amaze 🦋

      • Isabelle Dias

        I am so sorry for your dad, dear! And so proud of you for becoming a business woman at such a young age! Have grace with yourself as you grieve, it comes in waves. Take your time as you grow, learn and evolve in your business and life. This is just the beginning, and you got this!

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