Here's a few period self care ideas to help you feel better when on your period.
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Period Self-Care Routine: Everything You Need To Know

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Your menstrual cycles will be around for 30 years or more, so creating a period self-care routine is essential to make the most of it every month. Being intentional about period self-care is one of the most powerful ways to honor yourself during your period. 

In this post, we will talk about what makes a good period routine, things to do on your period to make you feel better, simple period self-care ideas, and even how to put together the perfect period self-care kit! 

This one is a biggie, so make sure to pin it for later so you can always come back to it!

My top 3 period self care routine checklist ideas, plus my secret period self care kit shopping list!

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 How do you self care during menstrual phases? 

Before starting, it’s important to understand that your period is just one of your menstrual phases (we also have the follicular, ovulation, and luteal phases). Different phases call for different types of self-care. But a few things stay true throughout all of them:

Be intentional about your sleep schedule

Getting enough sleep is essential for your well-being, wherever you are in your cycle.

The dream (pun intended) is to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, which will optimize your physical health, mental clarity, and emotional balance.

Sleep is important for any period self-care routine. Here is Moira, from Schitts Creek giving us a reminder.

But we all know life happens, and a perfect score on your night routine might not happen, so make sure that you are at least being intentional about establishing a consistent sleep schedule, getting as much sleep as possible, and making small improvements along the way. 

Bring mindfulness to your daily life

As I have shared in previous posts, mindfulness can help you stay grounded and centered throughout the ups and downs of your cycle.

But this is way less about the activity in itself and way more about the intention you put behind it. When you focus on being fully present in the moment, anything can become a mindfulness practice–Walking, meditation, doing the dishes, or ironing your clothes.

To reap the benefits of directing this energy towards period self-care, think about one or two mindfulness practices you can do daily to help you manage stress and cultivate a sense of inner calm. For example: Meditation, deep breathing, and mindful eating work great for this! 

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Move it, move it

Regular exercise has endless benefits not only for physical health but also for mental health.

From mood-boosting to reducing menstrual symptoms, exercise is key to keeping your mind, body, and soul balanced. It is a precious self-care practice throughout all menstrual phases.

Think about moving for at least 30 minutes most days of the week. Walking, jogging, strength training… it doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you are moving!

When you prioritize sleep, practice mindfulness, and move your body regularly, you can practice self-care during all menstrual phases. These practices are a wonderful way to cultivate resilience, balance, and energy throughout the month.

What is a good period routine?

A good period routine includes practices and rituals that support your physical, emotional, and mental well-being during menstruation. 

To create the perfect period self-care routine, it’s essential to be honest about the unique challenges and experiences that you go through during your menstrual cycle. When looking for things to do on your period to make you feel better to add to your period self-care, make sure to ask yourself these three questions: 

  1. Does this activity emphasize self-compassion?
  2. Does this activity bring me comfort? 
  3. Does this activity help me with relaxation?

Since this period routine can vary depending on each person’s individual preferences and needs, I’m going to share with you the must-have elements of a perfect period self-care routine. Then, we are going to go through some practical period self-care ideas and examples. Are you ready? 

How do I take care of myself on my period?

As you are probably figuring out at this point, period self-care goes way beyond making your favorite comfort food and re-watching your favorite show (although… Yes, what a dream??! Please, let’s include that!). When coming up with your period self-care checklist, make sure to include the following elements: 

Make it comfy

How can you alleviate any discomfort that shows up during your period? Things such as heating pads, warm baths, comfortable clothing, and adequate period products go a long way here.

Make it nutritious

I’m here for all the comfort foods your period brings, but if possible, make sure to also add foods like spinach, chicken, fish, and broccoli… Anything rich in iron and vitamins will support energy levels and replenish the nutrients lost during menstruation. Staying hydrated with water or herbal teas also helps alleviate symptoms. 

Make it relaxing

During period days, think about how to incorporate routine activities that make you feel relaxed, melting the stress away. These could include meditation, deep breathing exercises, or gentle movement. Beyond that, allow yourself to rest and recharge as needed. 

Make it clean

Keep up with good hygiene practices! Change period products regularly, wash the intimate area when showering, and use breathable cotton underwear to prevent irritation. 

Make it safe to feel

Give yourself opportunities for emotional expression and processing any feelings that might come up (these hormones got us in our feelings, I know!). Some of my favorite ways to do that are journaling, talking to supportive friends and family, and spending time doing things that make me feel happy and creative, such as listening to music, baking, or reading

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A period self-care routine prioritizes your well-being and comfort during menstruation. Taking extra care of yourself during this time is a beautiful way to prioritize your health and mental needs. 

Period self care ideas & period self-care kit ideas

Ready for some period self-care ideas followed by their respective period self-care kits? 

You might already have some or all of those things at home, but I’ve created a little board with links to all of them for you to make it easier to grab whatever you need–you can find it by clicking on the button below each image with the period self-care kit selections.

Here are checklists for each period self-care routine tied to the corresponding self-care kits:

The Comfy Period Self-Care Routine

Your period self-care kit for this routine includes:

The Comfy Period Self-Care Routine Checklist:

Step One: Get reeeeally comfy

   ☐ Use a heating pad or hot water bottle for cramps.

   ☐ Take a warm bath or shower to relax tense muscles.

   ☐ Wear loose, comfortable clothing and breathable underwear.

   ☐ Have pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen on hand if needed.

Step Two: Nourish yourself

   ☐ Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

   ☐ Enjoy nourishing foods rich in iron and vitamins, such as leafy greens, lean proteins, and fruits.

   ☐ Have herbal teas like ginger or chamomile to soothe discomfort.

   ☐ Indulge in dark chocolate for a mood boost and magnesium.

Step Three: Rest, baby, rest!

   ☐ Create a cozy space with blankets, pillows, and dim lighting.

   ☐ Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.

   ☐ Listen to calming music or nature sounds.

   ☐ Allow yourself extra rest if needed, and prioritize sleep.

The Comfy Period Self-Care Routine Checklist

The “That Girl” Period Self-Care Routine

Your period self-care kit for this routine includes:

The “That Girl” Period Self-Care Routine Checklist:

Step One: Luxe bath

   ☐ Draw a warm bath and add luxurious bath salts or bubbles.

   ☐ Light scented candles or diffuse essential oils for ambiance.

   ☐ Apply a hydrating face mask or hair treatment while soaking.

   ☐ Bring a book or magazine to enjoy while you relax in the tub.

Step Two: Self-care time

   ☐ Set aside time for a pampering skincare routine, including cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing.

   ☐ Give yourself a gentle massage with scented body oil or lotion.

   ☐ Practice mindfulness or meditation to clear your mind and promote relaxation.

   ☐ Treat yourself to your favorite snacks or treats as a special indulgence.

Step Three: Make it a vibe

   ☐ Surround yourself with as many soft things as possible: blankets, plush pillows, and cozy throws.

   ☐ Create a calming ambiance with soft lighting and soothing music.

   ☐ Engage in activities that bring you joy, such as reading, crafting, or listening to music.

   ☐ Allow yourself to unwind and enjoy the moment without distractions fully.

The "That Girl" Period Self-Care Routine Checklist

The On-the-Go Period Self-Care Routine

Your period self-care kit for this routine includes:

The On-The-Go Period Self-Care Routine Checklist:

Step One: Stay ready

   ☐ Pack an ample supply of period products, including pads, tampons, or menstrual cups.

   ☐ Carry pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen in a portable container.

   ☐ Bring wet wipes or hand sanitizer for personal hygiene on the go.

   ☐ Keep a refillable water bottle with you to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Step Two: No stress

   ☐ Include stress-relief tools like a stress ball or fidget spinner in your kit.

   ☐ Take short breaks to practice deep breathing or mindfulness exercises.

   ☐ Listen to calming music or a favorite podcast during breaks.

   ☐ Engage in light stretching or movement to ease tension and promote relaxation.

Step three: Keep the essentials close by

   ☐ Pack snacks, such as nuts, fruit, or granola bars, that provide quick energy and satisfaction.

   ☐ Carry a small travel-size blanket or scarf for comfort and warmth.

   ☐ Include a small notebook or journal for jotting down thoughts or feelings.

   ☐ Take breaks when needed to rest and recharge, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

The On-The-Go Period Self-Care Routine Checklist

Period self-care routine: Learn as you go. There is no rush. 

Earlier in this post, I shared about how our relationship with periods will last for about thirty years of our lives. That’s a lot of periods! And it can feel overwhelming to try to figure out the perfect period self-care routine in time for your next one. So, I want you to take a deep breath and know that you have time to figure out, test, and adjust as you go. 

What you need to do to take care of yourself during your periods will change depending on the season of life, and so will your period self-care routine. But through it all, remember that this is about honoring yourself and prioritizing your well-being. As long as this is the intention, you will always be doing the right thing. 

Have you ever had a period self-care routine? Also, what is one of your favorite things to eat during your periods? 

Let me know in the comments! 

Period self-care routine essentials checklist infographic

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Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.

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