Life Routines,  Must Reads

6 Simple Morning Habits That Changed My Life

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Morning habits that will help you go from night owl struggling to seize the day expert? Or perhaps a morning lark looking to upgrade your sunrise routines? Whichever you are, dear, you’ve come to the right place.

Today, I’m beyond excited to share some super-powerful morning habits that have utterly transformed my life for the better.

So make sure to pin this one for later, so you can always come back and get all the details!

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Morning habits for success: where to start

Now, let me be honest. I wasn’t always a morning person. Nope!

My love affair with the snooze button was legendary.

But then, I realized I needed a change, a morning routine makeover, if you will. And voila!

By incorporating a few simple, but game-changing habits, my mornings went from “meh” to “marvelous.”

So, let’s dive right in!

Here are my top morning habits that have been life-changers for me:

My favorite habits to do in the morning

#1 Embrace The Power of Hydration

First things first, after a long night’s slumber, your body is thirsty for hydration!

Starting your day with a tall glass of water (bonus points for a squeeze of fresh lemon, even if it’s just for the taste 🍋) can jumpstart your metabolism, flush out toxins, and leave you feeling fresh and energized.

One of my favorite ways to stay on track with this is to have a go-to water bottle, and always fill it up before bed. This way, I will have it ready in the morning, making it easier to stick to the habit.

This one is my favorite because it keeps the water fresh and cool overnight (sometimes I add ice, and the little cubes are still there even after eight hours!)

#2 Morning Pages: My Secret Mindfulness Practice

One of the morning habits that truly revolutionized my mornings is writing morning pages. A tool that became popular through the book The Artist’s Way.

This practice is all about pouring out your thoughts on paper as soon as you wake up. No editing, no second-guessing, just raw and unfiltered you.

It’s incredibly therapeutic and sets a mindful tone for the rest of the day.

#3 Move That Beautiful Body

Get that blood pumping, sweetheart! Whether it’s a brisk walk in the park, a yoga routine, or an at-home workout session, moving your body first thing in the morning can do wonders.

It releases endorphins (happy hormones) and energizes you for the day ahead.

How to start your mornings

#4 Feed Your Mind with Positivity

Start your day with a hearty breakfast, not just for your body, but also for your mind.

This could be a motivating podcast, an uplifting TED talk, guided journaling, or an inspiring book. Feed your mind with positivity, and you’ll radiate it throughout the day.

#5 Plan and Prioritize Your Day

A cluttered mind equals a cluttered life. So, take a few moments each morning to plan and prioritize your day.

Having a clear idea of your tasks and goals can reduce stress and boost your productivity.

#6 Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

Last but certainly not least, I start every morning by expressing gratitude.

Listing out things you’re thankful for cultivates positivity and helps you start the day on a happy note. It’s as simple as writing down three things you’re grateful for, and watching your life change!

Good morning routine habits

So, there you have it, lovely! My personal morning habits have reshaped my life. Remember, these are habits, so consistency is the key.

Try incorporating them into your routine, make them your own, and watch as your mornings (and life) transform beautifully.

Now, I want to hear from you! Have you tried any of these morning habits? Do you have your own that has been a game-changer? Leave a comment below, and let’s chat!

If you found this post helpful or know a friend who could benefit from it, make sure to share it! And don’t forget to pin it for later!

Here’s to your glorious mornings and an even more glorious life! 💛🌞

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Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.


  • Elina

    Hello Isabelle!! Thank you for your amazing morning routine, I always thought of changing my life, myself because I have so many negative vibes that I want to reduce, thank you so much for your efforts, I’m gonna try these productive Ideas, but I have a problem of being lazy all the time, I want to change my life badly!

    • Isabelle Dias

      Hey there Elina, I love to know that you are changing your mindset around that! And we all feel a little lazy sometimes, it’s natural and part of being human. Give your body the rest it needs so you can keep on going and creating a life you love. Proud of you!

  • Lauryn Abell

    Hi there! I have to say, I’ve started this journey back in August and I can tell what a difference with how I think and feel. I definitely can tell my vibes are higher. My morning gratitude makes feel so good and happy. I’m glad I discovered your website. 🙂

    • Isabelle Dias

      That’s wonderful, Lauryn!!! Congratulations for starting and sticking with your journey, so happy for you! I am glad you discovered the blog as well, welcome my dear!

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