bad days affirmations

20 Self Love Affirmations To Turn A Bad Day Around

Sharing is Caring ♡

Can we all agree that bad days suck? Sometimes you don’t know where it started and just woke up feeling off. Or you even started the morning feeling ok. Still, then something happened, and now your good vibes just melted into a pile of overwhelming sadness, anger, and confusion. 

I get you. And let me tell you that one of the best ways to turn bad days around is through the use of self-love affirmations. That’s why I crafted especially for this article twenty self-love affirmations to turn bad days around. Plus, in the end, I will share with you my best foolproof practices to transform bad days into breakthroughs. 

Those affirmations can hit deep, so I advise you to grab a cup of tea and get comfy before we start! If you need to save this little guide for later, I recommend doing that now!

healing self love affirmations for bad day pinterest

Affirmations for bad days

#1 It’s just a bad day, not a bad life

#2 I choose to have grace with myself

#3 All feelings are meant to be felt

#4 There is nothing wrong with big feelings

#5 I am worthy of rest and self-compassion

#6 Uncomfortable feelings are just messengers helping me to learn something new about myself 

#7 I allow my uncomfortable feelings to teach me what I need to know for this moment

#8 I choose to love myself, even on the hard days

#9 Resilience is being built inside of me right now

#10 My mistakes are just opportunities for growth

#11 I am not what happened to me

#12 I will honor my body and its needs today (and always)

#13 I still am on the path towards making my dreams happen

#14 Nothing last forever, not even today 

#15 Bad feelings are not permanent, and it’s ok to feel them 

#16 I chose to be kind to myself

#17 I give myself permission to move on

#18 I embrace all the lessons this day is teaching me

#19 I trust my journey

#20 I give myself the space I need to heal and recharge

My Foolproof Practices To Create Breakthrough

#1 Give yourself space to rest

Don’t use work or busyness to run away from what it’s happening. I get it that maybe you need to go to work while having a bad day, and that’s ok!

But make sure to use the moments after work for yourself in any way that will be recharging. Maybe it’s going home, ordering take-out, and changing to your favorite PJs, or booking a massage that will allow you to rest. 

Only you know what you need to feel rested and with enough space to think and process your feelings. 

#2 Honor your needs 

Maybe you feel like eating your favorite ice cream while watching a feel-good movie. Perhaps you feel like going out for a run with your favorite song blasting out your headphones. Either way, just do it. 

There is no right or wrong on what we need to push through a bad day. You are the biggest specialist in yourself. So make sure to check-in and hear what you really need to manage this day. 

Please don’t judge, have grace with yourself and do the damn thing. 

#3 Let your feelings talk to you 

I am a firm believer that all feelings are messengers. Yes, even the “bad” ones. 

In the same way, you will check-in with yourself to understand your needs, pay attention to what you are feeling and give names to it. Anger, disappointment, sadness, overwhelm? 

Try to understand where they started and what they are trying to tell you. 

Sadness toward a friend that did not keep up a promise might show you how relationships and honesty are essential to you. Anger toward a co-worker that made a comment that made you uncomfortable might indicate that you need to work on your boundaries. Overwhelm toward a project you are currently working on might show that you need to slow down. 

You get the point. 

Although you probably will have some kind of numb copying mechanism (where my chocolate lovers at?), don’t let this take over all of your days.

One way to transition to the “ feeling all the feelings part” is saying those affirmations out loud or writing the ones that speak to you the most in your journal. 

Please, know that a bad day is not a bad life. Have grace and kindness with yourself, and know that those moments usually are the ones that create the most incredible breakthroughs in life. This, too, shall pass. 

Now, I want to hear from you! What did you think of those self-love affirmations for bad days?

Leave a comment below and tell me about it.

If those affirmations were helpful, do me a favor and share them! And be sure to pin for later!

healing self love affirmations for bad days pinterest

Sharing is Caring ♡

Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.


  • Martha

    I love this post. Thanks for the encouraging affirmations! I couldn’t agree more that it’s important that we are kind to ourselves and show ourselves the grace we would show to others. Hope you have a great week!

    • Isabelle Dias

      That’s such a sweet comment. Thank you, Martha! Yes… grace is so so so important to push through bad days.

  • Kyra

    Great post! 😊 I definitely agree with the importance of taking a rest. Usually at the end of the week when my energy dips, I prioritise time away from work, which allows me to have a reset. 💜

    • Isabelle Dias

      Yes! Time away from work is as important as time working. It was a tough lesson to work on, but it’s so worth it.

    • Dev

      I liked what you said about checking in with what you need on a hard day.

      I’ve been finding a cup of coffee from Starbucks helps me move through feelings that seem stuck.

      And, a little extra tlc to my inner little me who usually just wants to be held in high regard- with the utmost amount of tenderness.

      • Isabelle Dias

        A cup of coffee from Starbucks is always a good idea ❤️
        Proud of you for being so intentional with this, Dev!

  • Dorene

    I needed to find these today. I had a difficult day at work and couldn’t tell you what reading these meant to me. I have bookmarked this page! I needed to be reminded that today doesn’t define who I was yesterday, or who I will be tomorrow. I need to release and let it go

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