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Life Routines

What to do for morning routine before work in under 5 minutes (with printables!)

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You dream about getting up early and starting your day doing the perfect morning routine. But, to be honest, wake up without pressing the snooze button three times seems IMPOSSIBLE.

Fear not, my dear sleeping beauty! I got you! In this post, I’m going to tell you exactly how to develop a morning routine in just under 5 minutes (no snooze button will hold you down!). 

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How a morning routine can change your life

To be able to see results in any self-care and self-improvement routine, you need to understand a straightforward concept. Now, at first, this can seem a little complicated, but stick with me! I promise it is way easier than you think. 

According to many religions, we humans are composed of body, soul, and spirit. 

The body is what we touch, what we see. Our contact with the outside world. 

The soul is our inside, our thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Our experience with the inside world.

The spirit is our connection with something higher than us. Our tie with the divine. 

We experience our best self when those three are aligned and taken care of.  

Could you imagine someone who is super into health and fitness, but just terrible with listening to their feelings? Or someone who is super spiritual and involved in church, but doesn’t care how they feed their body? 

It just seems off, right? Like something is missing… Well, now, you know! Those people are out of balance! 

When you think about how to create a morning routine (even if it’s a quick one), you NEED to plan to work the three parts of yourself! Yep, I’m talking body, soul, spirit—the whole thing. 

How to start a morning routine 

Before you freak out and tell me that it is impossible to do all this work in the morning (how do you even take care of all of that stuff??!), let me explain and give you a few examples on how to make this work. 

Working your body can be as easy as doing a simple stretch. Or dance. Or go for a run. You just need to move it! 

Working your soul can be as easy as journaling, or reading a self-development book. You just need to get in touch with your thoughts and feelings. 

Working your spirit can be as easy as meditating, praying, putting on some worship music as you reflect on the lyrics. You just need to create a sense of connection with something bigger than yourself – it doesn’t matter what you believe in! 

Putting those steps in place, and you can be sure that you are creating a balanced routine. And you will be taken care of all over! 

Morning routine ideas

To make this as easy as possible for you, I am going to share some of my own morning routines here and point out to you what I am working on each part of myself. 

Note that those routines were modified to fit our 5-minute challenge, ok? 


Morning Routine idea under 5 minutes: Early Bird

6:15 AM Wake up and put some worship music (working here: spirit)

6:16 AM Do 3 simple stretches (working here: body)

6:18 AM Write down 5 things you grateful for (working here: soul)


Morning Routine idea under 5 minutes: Coffee Lover

7:00 AM Do 5 squats and 5 calf raises (working here: body)

7:02 AM Meditate for 2 minutes* (working here: spirit)

7:04 AM Brew some coffee as you listen to an audiobook (working here: soul) 

*You can find a 2-minute meditation here.

IDEA #3 ♥

Morning Routine idea under 5 minutes: Self-care Queen 

8:10 AM Wash your face + put on tonic + put moisturizer + sunscreen (working in here: body)

8:13 AM Finish by putting some essential oil into the palm of your hands.** After that, cup your hands around your mouth and nose and inhale for 4 seconds, hold the breath for 4 seconds, and breathe out for 6 seconds, for at least 3 times. During the breathing exercise, visualize the day you want to have. (working in here: soul) 

8:14 AM Thank the God/The Universe for three things you have (working here: spirit)

**My favorite oils for this are the ones made by Jaboneria Marianella. They are the most amazing Brooklyn Shop, which custom blends for you by hand in small batches. The oils handcrafted there are just so rich, and the fragrance is unbelievably good. It always helps me to feel awake and chill at the same time. You can get them here and thank me later.

Now it is your turn! Complete the gaps to create your own morning routine: 

I will wake up at _____ and will work my spirit by ______ for ______ minutes. Then I will _______ for _____ minutes to work my body. I will finish my routine by ________ for _____ minutes so that I can work my soul. ♥

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How to stay consistent on your morning routine 

Ok, ok… I know that, maybe just maybe, there is a little voice inside of you saying: 

“Well, now everything seems like rainbows and butterflies. But JUST WAIT for tomorrow and let’s see if you are going to be able to leave the bed in time. I doubt it!”

First, tell your bitchy inner voice to shut up. Second, I understand that after many failed attempts, it can be hard to believe in yourself again. 

But, deep down, you know you need a change. And you are worth the change! So, let me give you three primary keys to make this morning routine thingy work for real this time, ok? 

#1 Plan the night ahead 

Write it down what you are going to do the next morning. How are you going to work your body, soul, and spirit? I already gave you a morning routine template to help you with that. 

Studies show that when we write our goals down, we are 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to accomplish them than people who don’t (say what??!). 

That’s an AMAZING strategy, and it’s just so simple. 

So, tonight before bed, I want you to write down on your journal or the notes on your phone what your 5 minute morning routine is like. After you created your action plan, do the following…

#2 Design your environment for success 

One of my favorite books, Atomic Habits, teaches that motivation is overrated; our environment often matters more. 

Our environment has the power to make a new habit easier or more challenging to implement. 

For example, if when you wake up, you still need to choose what you are going to wear, find your headphones so you can start the meditation, and go to the bookshelf in the other room to get the book you are about to read… 

You most likely will hit snooze and start another day where you don’t stick to your plans. It will just take so much work and thinking to make things work! 

But when you craft a stable environment, where everything has a place and a purpose, new habits thrive! 

So, after planning your morning routine, organize everything you will need to make it work.

Choose your outfit for the next day and leave folded close to the bed. Keep your headphones, journal, book, and everything else you might use close to you. 

This way, when you wake up, you will just go with the flow. Feeling in control with these beautiful surroundings designed to make you conquer your morning and start a day where YOU are in control. 

As James Clear writes in Atomic Habits:

“Be the designer of your world and not merely the consumer of it.” 

#3 Visualize your perfect morning 

You probably suspect that the before-bed routine is as essential as your morning routine, right? Yep, you are right. So let me finish those tools with one last evening task: creative visualization. 

According to scientists, creative visualization helps you achieve your goals, overcome limitations, and increase self-efficacy (aka believe that you can make things happen). 

Although it may seem complicated, creative visualization is just a fancy word for: “Use your imagination, honey!” Let’s play make-believe. 

To do that, follow these 3 steps (I am in a mood for three during this post, oh my… blame it on the body/soul/spirit thing). 

#1 Close your eyes (but not now, finish the post first)

#2 Take a deep breath and imagine yourself waking up in the morning as soon as your alarm goes off, happy, knowing you can do anything you set your mind to. See yourself doing all the activities you planned for your morning routine, feeling happy and whole. 

#3 Picture yourself walking around the house after that. How are you going to feel? How are you going to interact with people when you are feeling your best? How is this day going to go well for you? Everything is different because you decided to do something different. You chose to keep your word to the main person in your life: yourself. 

Morning routine and tips

Ok, you just created your very own morning routine under five cute little minutes, and that’s amazing! But what to do next? 

Well, well, well, little one… If you are an overachiever like me, you probably want to create a grandmaster plan on how you will create the best darn morning routine in the whole world! 

And although I am ALL ABOUT master plans and world domination, now I want you to slow down. Yes, you heard me right. 

At this moment, you must create strong self-belief in yourself and your capacity to make this morning routine work. 

You need small, easy wins that will build your confidence so you can go to bigger, greater things. 

So, start small. Keep the tasks easy, applying the tools. And enjoy the feeling of sticking to it! 

When you feel that you need to spice things up, go for 6 minutes, 7, 8, 10… Adding small twists to the tasks. This will lead you to consistency and growth. 

Then, inevitably, over time, you will run the world. Because that’s just how it is supposed to be. 

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Morning routine rituals

That’s it! I hope this post challenged you and gave you the tools necessary to start your practical and easy morning routine in under five minutes. 

As I said before, mornings are one of the most precious things on our self-development journey. If you know how to use them well, everything else will fall into place. 

Now hit me up in the comments and let me know: you hit your snooze 5 times or wake up as soon as the alarm goes off? 

Sharing is Caring ♡

Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.


    • Isabelle Dias

      Hey there, Aditi! First, let me tell you that I am so proud of you for trying. This is the first step to see if it will work or not! So go for it and have fun, don’t put pressure on yourself, ok?

    • Trisha

      It’s truly a game changer and I’m very happy that I came through all these posts of Isabelle Dias
      It’s inspiring and nice as well
      I’m working on, keeping all this in my mind.

  • Nicole Yarbrough

    I hit the STOP on my phone and lay there. But I like the thought of devoting only 5 minutes to an early routine. I’m combining the Coffee Lovers routine with the Early Bird bc I’m BOTH. I know this was definitely designed with ME in mind. Thank you!

    • Isabelle Dias

      I absolutely LOVE that you are combining two routines in one! Thank you so much for letting me know how much you liked it!! I am so excited to see how your new routine will turn out!

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