Wondering how can I create a vision board? Here's some of my best tips on how to make a vision board for manifestation.
Life Routines

How To (Easily) Make A Vision Board That Works

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Last Updated on April 29, 2024 by Isabelle Dias

Are you wondering how a vision board can help you bring your dreams to life? You are exactly where you need to be because, in today’s blog post, I will share with you a simple step-by-step process for making a vision board that works! 

Also, in this post, I will share the *one* thing that can make all the difference when creating your vision board and how to use a vision board for incredible life-changing results. 

Make sure to pin this post right now, so you can come back anytime you want to recap all the steps, tips, and hacks for your dream life vision board!

how to make a vision board

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What is a vision board? 

A vision board is a physical and visual representation of your biggest dreams, aspirations, and goals. It’s like someone went into the future and took a picture of how your dream life would look like. 

It’s composed of collages, photographs, quotes, words, drawings, and anything else that inspires you toward the future and what really matters to you. 

I know that you may be thinking, ” How can looking at a collage change my life and future? This seems a little woo-woo.”

And I agree with you! It does seem a little mystical, but this magic is fully backed by science. 

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Why are vision boards effective? 

Vision boards are nothing more than guided visualization, and that’s where the big “aha” happens. The pictures are not the most crucial part, but what you do with them is the show’s real star. Think of it as daydreaming on purpose.

Science and visualization are not strangers to each other. Studies have shown how visualization can get you closer to where you want to be in life. 

Athletes and chess players have been using this technique with successful results for years! Visualizing every move and every strategy before the game. 

How vision boards work

When you consistently visualize an outcome, the brain starts to read it as a memory and not just a daydream. Subconsciously, you are more encouraged to act upon your goals and adjust your behavior according to your desired outcome. 

It’s almost like your brain is trying to match the reality you see inside with what you live outside! How amazing is that?

Again, it’s essential to understand that more important than being literal with the pictures is focusing on the feelings they provoke inside of you.

I will explain. 

Let’s suppose one of your dreams is to have your own business. You want this freedom and the ability to spend your time as you please. 

A picture of someone working in front of a computer, although literal, may not evoke the feeling of independence you are looking for. But photos of a beautiful beach, mountains, or even the sky can tune you in more deeply to that feeling. 

Only you know what works for you, so be sure to pay attention to your emotions and intuitions as you go. 

Ok, enough science talk! Who is ready for some good ol’ DIY? 

How to make a vision board at home

Here are the vision board supplies you will need: 

Step One: Set The Mood

It’s all about energy, so start by creating the perfect environment for your private vision board party. 

Light some candles, put some music on, and make yourself a cup of tea (or coffee, or glass of prosecco). Then, grab everything you need and lay it in front of you. 

Step Two: Get Clear

Remember when I told you I would share the *one* thing that can make all the difference when creating a vision board? This is it, so hear me out.

Most people start flipping through magazines and just choosing what feels good to them at the moment. That’s not wrong, but it’s not the most effective methodology. 

One of the best ways to get the most out of your vision board is to get very clear about your goals BEFORE you start crafting. 

You can do this first by understanding where you are now today and where you want to go. One of the best ways to do that is through journaling. Here are a few resources that will help you through this process: 

17 Self-Reflection Journal Prompts

23 Eye Opening Journals Prompts To Find Yourself

How to make a vision board for manifestation?

After reflecting on the present and future, write down your most important goals in each area of your life.

Here is something to get you started, answer the ones that apply:

What are your goals… 

  • For your career?
  • For your relationships?
  • For your relationship with yourself?
  • For the experiences and adventures in your life?
  • For your education?
  • For your health?
  • For your spirituality?
  • For your finances?

Write as many as you want, but get clear on the things that really matter TO YOU. Not someone else’s dream. 

How do those goals make you feel? Close your eyes and imagine how your life will be once they become your reality. How do you feel? Hold on to that. 

Also, do your best to not judge your goals. There is no such thing as impossible here, ok? 

Step Three: Visual Research 

This is my favorite part! Start going through the pages of magazines and cutting out the pictures, words, and quotes that represent those goals you just wrote down.

Remember: it’s more about expressing the feeling than keeping things just for the literal sense. So hold on to the feeling (don’t stop believing) as you look for the images that speak to you the most. 

Step Four: Assembly 

Now that you have your ingredients start assembling them together on your board. Take the pressure off yourself. It doesn’t need to look perfect.

There is no right or wrong here. Use your thumbtacks, washi tapes, stickers, and any extra elements that you want.

This board is supposed to represent YOU. And the life you want to create. So, have fun! 

Step Five: Visualize 

Ta-da! You just created your very own vision board!

Congrats, dear! 

But hm… how does this thing work now? 

How to use a vision board 

We already discussed a little about how vision boards work and how to use them in the beginning. Guided visualization is simple. 

But how do you *actually* do that? And how to stay consistent with your visualization practice? 

Ok, first things first.

How to visualize using a vision board 

My method with the vision board is a little different than the majority out there. Instead of visualizing everything every day, as most people do, I prefer to get specific. 


Stare at your vision board. Look at each picture, word, quote, sticker. What is calling your attention on that specific day? Which image is drawing your attention? 


Look at your chosen picture and remember what it means. Let’s suppose you picked this one with the Eiffel Tower in the background today. Look at it for a good minute, paying attention to every detail in it. 


Close your eyes and imagine your life when that specific goal is already your reality. Imagine yourself inside that picture, living that version of your life. How do you feel? Where are you? Who is with you? What are you guys talking about? What are you getting ready to do?

Create a story inside your head, imagining your moves, the conversation, what is happening around you… Take your time immersing yourself in that story. The more you engage your senses, the stronger the neurological path inside your brain will be.


Take a deep breath in, hold it for four seconds, and slowly release. Open your eyes. 

Just writing about this gives me chills! It’s not uncommon to catch myself smiling and even laughing when I am doing those exercises.

It’s an incredible experience! With time and practice, you feel yourself being transported into the future. 

How to create a visualization routine 

If you are wondering, “How many times should I look at my vision board?” A good rule of thumb is at least once a day. Not because this is some magical number but because, as we discussed before, the secret to reaping the best benefits of a vision board is to use its power to rewire your neuropathways. And this whole “brain extreme makeover” will only happen with repetition and consistency.

Creating a visualization routine is key to unlocking this world of dreams coming true, but also where most of us get stuck… But not anymore! Let me introduce you to the concept of habit stacking, presented by James Clear in his book Atomic Habits

“When it comes to building new habits, you can use the connectedness of behavior to your advantage. One of the best ways to build a new habit is to identify a current habit you already do each day and then stack your new behavior on top. This is called habit stacking.” – James Clear 

How do I get the most out of my vision board?

Simply put, you will attach the habit of taking time to visualize your vision board with another habit you already do every day.

For example:

  • Visualize as soon as you finish brushing your teeth.
  • Visualize as soon as you wake up, right before leaving the bed. 
  • Visualize on your way out to work before grabbing your car keys.

Find something you already do every day and stack the visualization habit into it. Those two will become inseparable with time, and you will catch yourself doing this behavior more and more automatically. 

Another thing that also works for me is creating little rules, for example:

  • I can only check my phone AFTER doing my visualization.
  • I can only have coffee in the morning AFTER doing my visualization.
  • I can only leave the house AFTER doing my visualization. 

What do you think would work best for you? Then, pick one and put it into practice! 

I am just so excited to see what you are going to create! Know that this is just the beginning of your journey. The future is bright! 

Now, I wanna know: What did you think of this guide on creating and using a vision board? What goal are you the most excited to add to it? Let me know in the comments below; I am super curious!

Today more than ever, always remember: you deserve to live a life you are absolutely in love with. 

how to use it vision board pinterest

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Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.


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