Reinventing Yourself

9 Law of Attraction Common Mistakes You Might Be Making

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Last Updated on April 29, 2024 by Isabelle Dias

Oh my dear Law of Attraction queen… It seems like you are doing all the right things.

Manifestation Board? Check! Daily Affirmations? Check! Visualization? Check! Read The Secret? Check! WATCHED The Secret? Double-check!! 

Oh, heck, maybe you are even binge-watching some Abraham-Hicks videos on Youtube! Like, you are doing this Law of Attraction thingy for real! You believe in this! 

So… Why is it not working?!

You are supposed to think positive thoughts, and things will just be attracted to you, right? 

And now, even after following all the rules, you have this constant feeling of frustration growing inside of you. 

“Maybe my desires are just not meant to be…” 

Well, my dear manifestation queen, before you give up on the wonders of the Law of Attraction, I want you to understand 9 common mistakes you might be making. 

To be honest, I was guilty of all of them at some point in life. Those mistakes are major manifestation blocks. But they are all reversible! 

You are worthy of your wildest dreams, you just need to adjust some things to get there. Ready to learn what are they? Let’s do this!

 Law of Attraction energy

#1 You don’t hold the feeling

The Law of Attraction definition goes something like this: 

“Everything that’s coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it’s attracted to you by virtue of the images you’re holding in your mind. It’s what you’re thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind, you are attracting to you”.  — The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne

If you don’t visualize your desired outcome often, you are not generating enough energy around it. 

According to Abraham-Hicks, we need to focus on something for at least 17 seconds to activate a matching vibration. The longer you concentrate, the stronger it gets. 

A.H. even states that if you can hold a pure feeling around it for 68 seconds, that’s enough to start its manifestation.

Think about how you can create moments to visualize and hold positive thoughts and feelings around your desire during your day. 

Law of Attraction for beginners

#2 You ignore your “negative” feelings

One of the common misconceptions among the new adopters of the Law of Attraction is that you should NEVER feel negative feelings. 

Ignore them, bare them, pretend they don’t exist!

I can’t blame you, I did this for years! But it all ended up in a series of panic attacks and complete burnout. 

I was devastated and couldn’t understand why I was manifesting that. 

After much inner reflection, through prayer, meditation, and therapy, I understood that all feelings are meant to be felt.

They are all carrying a message from the Universe. 

The Secret book puts this way:

“What if your feelings are actually communication from the Universe to let you know what you’re thinking? Our feelings are a feedback mechanism to us about whether we’re on track or not, whether we’re in course or off course”  — The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne.

Don’t judge your feelings as good or bad, instead ask yourself: “What is this feeling telling me?” 

You will need to heal past wounds and beliefs through your manifestation journey to become the person you were always meant to be—your most real, highest self. 

To heal, we need to feel.

And you don’t need to be afraid of what those “negative” feelings will manifest into your life. 

First of all, the fact that they are bringing limiting beliefs to the surface is already the Universe working in you to create space for your desires to manifest. Trust the process. 

Second, remember: there is a time delay between our thoughts and the manifestation, and it’s here to serve you. 

So, when you feel like crying, cry. Get to the bottom of your feeling, learn what is here to teach you, and then move on. 

Law of Attraction common mistakes

#3 You have unresolved beliefs of unworthiness 

Sometimes, although you look happy and good vibrations on the outside, deep down, you don’t feel worthy or capable. 

Most of us have deep limiting beliefs on love and worthiness. Those beliefs are MAJOR manifestation blocks! 

Since our must deep, unconscious thoughts are canceling the work we are doing on the surface. We’ve been programmed to self-sabotage! 

Until those limiting beliefs are taken care of, nothing will move. 

Heads up: If you are serious about your spiritual journey, all of this past B.S. will come up.

It will get messy.

But you can’t run away, or you will never live to your full potential.

(self-discovery is the name of the game! One way to speed things up is to find a tool that will give you guidance and direction in the process, the 21 Day Self-Discovery Plan is one of my favorites!)

Remember point #2, roll up your sleeves, and get into that inner healing work, babe! 

 Law of Attraction practices

#4 You ignore the other 11 Laws of The Universe

This organized chaos we call Universe is reign by 12 Spiritual Laws.

Even though the Law of Attraction is the most famous one, all twelve directly impact our life and experience here on this planet.

Most people who manifest their dreams and desires are, consciously or unconsciously, following the 12 Rules.

And if you are not seeing your desires manifested to reality, even if “on paper” you are doing everything “right”… Well, maybe you are overlooking some of the other rules.

Let’s take a quick look at them: 

RULE #1 Law of Divine Oneness: Everything in The Universe is connected. Every choice, word, or belief you have will also impact the world. We are all one. 

This rule is the reason I don’t feel envy of other people’s achievements anymore. If someone has something I really want, that’s great! 

Their success is my success. Since we are one, if anyone can have it, it means it’s able for me too! 

RULE #2 Law of Vibration: Everything in the Universe is in constant movement and has its own energy frequency. High energy particles are naturally drawn to other high energy particles, the same with low energy. 

So, when you talk to someone or go to a place and feel the “bad vibes,” don’t ignore it. That’s REALLY a thing. The Universe is giving you a warning, so you must decide what to do with that information.

Law of Attraction about believe

RULE #3 Law of Correspondence: The way you do one thing is how you do all things. Your behavior and the situations in your life operate in a pattern. 

If you slack at work, you probably will do so on your relationships and even how you take care of your house. 

In the same way, if you keep your surroundings clean and organized, honoring even the spaces only you will see… This will reflect on your relationships, the way you take care of your health, your work, etc.

RULE #4 Law of Attraction: What you think, you attract. Like attracts like. 

This one you already know well. 

RULE #5 Law of Inspired Action: We must consciously go after our goals to see results. 

Visualizing, declaring affirmations, and keeping a positive attitude IS NOT ENOUGH to manifest your goals. 

If you want to become a millionaire, you won’t manifest your dream bank account just with a beautiful vision board. Research about investments, business opportunities, hustle to become the best at what you do and everything else you feel lead to.

I believe that, when we start to become clear about what we want and act on it, The Universe will open doors, give us ideas, and create opportunities. BUT WE MUST ACT ON THEM.

Remember: Although The Universe will do the hard work, you must do your part too. 

Law of Attraction problems

RULE #6 Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: All things are in constant flow.

The power in this Law comes when understanding you can always CHOOSE to become what you want. 

For example, if you have been feeling stuck in low energy vibrations, you can change that exposing yourself to high vibrations through talking with a good friend, laughing, and doing something that you love…

The high energy from those things will spontaneously prompt energy transmutation in you. 

RULE #7 Law of Cause and Effect: All actions have a correspondence reaction.

Don’t expect to see good things happening for you if you are always gossiping, judging, and complaining.

On the other hand, if you are kind, support others in their journey and always choose to see the bright side… Your energy gets aligned with the stream of love and good things. It’s just a natural effect. 

RULE #8 Law of Compensation: You receive what you give. Also known as karma. 

If you are always quick to judge and criticize others, that’s what you get.

If you use your resources to give back and do good, you will have an overflow. 

Law of Attraction working against me

RULE #9 Law of Relativity: Nothing is good or bad, there are always multiple perspectives of the same situation. You decide the meaning. 

Maybe you think you are unlucky because you had to cancel your wedding party due to COVID-19 (HEY, THAT’S ME!).

But then, when you think about the people who lost jobs, homes and their loved ones… You see that you’re actually lucky for staying alive and with no financial loss in the middle of the craziness of 2020. 

RULE #10 Law of Polarity: Everything has the opposite. The reality of those opposites is what gives us tools to understand life. 

Let’s suppose you dream about an incredible romantic relationship with a loving partner, understanding, and best friend. 

When you meet someone in the dating pool, which is selfish and self-centered, it teaches you what you don’t want.

Hard times enlighten us on what does not work. Everything has a lesson in itself. We just need to pay attention to them. 

RULE #11 Law of Rhythm: All things come in cycles. 

If you are a woman, you can relate to this better than anyone else. We can also see this with the seasons in nature.

This shows us that nothing lasts forever, nothing is permanent.

 If it’s good, enjoy it while it lasts. If it’s terrible, hold on to hope knowing better days are ahead.  

RULE #12 Law of Gender: There are two main types of energy; some refer to them as masculine and feminine. But it can also be yin and yang. 

We all have both, and to achieve ultimate success, we need to balance them. 

Understand where you may need more “feminine energy” and where you may need more “masculine energy.”  

Law of Attraction blog

#5 You are not clear about what you REALLY want

You want to be successful, but how? Having your own business, becoming a prominent CEO, or finding a stable job that pays minimum wage? 

You want to buy your dream house, but how does it look like? It’s in the mountains, in the city, does it have a backyard or a pool?

You want to find the love of your life, but how is the relationship like? You guys are best friends and share everything, or is there a more independent vibe going on?

We want so many things, and at first glance, we THINK we have clarity about our desires.

But as soon as we start to dig a little deeper, we find out things are not as crystal clear as we thought.

If we are not clear about what we want, we start sending mixed messages to the Universe… which will generate mixed results for us. 

Chose one desire to focus and become crazy clear about it. Write the details, the feelings, the sensations it evokes in you.

What helps me a lot with this is closing my eyes and imagining a little movie in my head. Going to a place where my desire already manifested. I pay attention to how I feel and what the room looks like and what I am talking about…

This little exercise will also help you hold the feeling for more than 17 seconds, so double win! 

Law of Attraction emotional scale

#6 You are obsessed with your goal 

Sometimes we are so obsessed with our desire that we only can think about it, we get obsessed with manifesting. 

Once more, I’ve been there. Last year on my business, I was so obsessed with being successful that I neglected my health, relationships, and even spiritual practice.

I worked non-stop until I burned out and was forced to stop. 

Even though I was doing affirmations, visualizations, declarations… nothing seemed to work! I was stuck!

When it all hit the fan, I finally understood that being a control freak is simply a manifestation of extreme fear of failure. 

If you are also a control freak, stop for a second and honestly ask yourself: “Am I holding so tight to it because I fear failure?”. 

It’s important to understand that you can still manifest when in a frantic-obsessed state, but it won’t stick. 

The reason is the frequency that was put into that manifestation – super low. It’s like building a house in the sand. 

That frenetic energy is so low because, when you obsess about something, you usually feel: anxious, powerless, insecure, worried… 

Please, take a look at the level of those emotions at the Emotional Guidance Scale:

FONT: The Law of Attraction.com

Do I need to say more? 

Law of Attraction frequency

#7 You don’t accept a solution different than yours 

Another not-so-fun thing that happens when we obsess about a specific desire is that we have a very constrained idea of HOW things should happen.

We create this perfect little plan in our heads and give the map to the Universe: “Here, follow this way. MY WAY!”

Oh, little child… The Universe’s ways are not yours. They are higher, better. 

Our mind is so small, and our perspective is thus limited to all the ways and possibilities out there!

When we get attached to our own notions of how things are supposed to go, we block the flow of energy, trying to shape our ways. 

SURRENDER your plans to the wisdom of the Universe.

Allow it to bring creative solutions to you.

Open yourself to unexpected resolutions.

LET IT GO. The Universe knows best! 

Take it from the girl who met the love of her life when she got late for church and sat next to a random stranger (which now is her husband). 

The Law of Attraction actually works.

#8 You are attached to your own timeline

Adding to the last point, sometimes we are also attached to our own little perfect timeline.

Be married by 27.  

Become a millionaire by 30. 

Buy dream house before 33. 

Although all of this is entirely possible, when we are fixated in the numbers and dates, we get at a lower level in the emotional scale (remember?), which drops our vibrations… You know the drill.

Again: SURRENDER! The Universe timing is perfect.

I created a little mantra that really helps me to gain perspective when I find myself getting attached to timelines, it goes like this:

“My timing is divinely guided. I am never late.” 

Law of Attraction calm down mind

#9 Deep inside, you still think you are the one who need to “make it work.” 

Although we need to go after our goal to see results (Law of Inspired Action FTW!), we also need to understand that we don’t need to carry all the weight. 

Don’t be discouraged when you hit a situation that seems impossible. Don’t beat yourself up, fixating how big the problem is. 

Do your best, do it with love, and from a place of surrender. Knowing that your only job is to plant the seed, the Universe will take care of the rest. 

Work from a place of divine inspiration and then rest. Knowing that the Universe is taking care of you and that things are ALWAYS working for you, even when you can’t see. 

God/The Universe is here to take care of what you can’t. They specialize in impossible and supernatural causes. And that’s good news!

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Last thoughts… 

I want to remind you one more time: you are worthy of your wildest dreams and desires.

Manifestation is a spiritual path, and spiritual paths are here to bring us healing. 

The middle of the road can be messy. Still, if you don’t shy away from work and open yourself to the wisdom of the Universe, soon you will arrive at your destination.

To get this beautiful energy flowing, I suggest you fresh up your manifestation routine with some new affirmations!

I create some mighty ones, pick your favorite: 

Now I want to hear from you in the comments: after learning about all those Law of Attraction common mistakes, where do you think you can get better?

If you enjoyed this post or have any questions for me, please feel free to leave me a comment below! I would love to hear from you!

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Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.


  • Kyra

    I agree with #2. I used to fear acknowledging my negative thoughts because I believe that it will manifest every time. However, I’ve learnt over the years that in order to manifest you need to acknowledge your negative thoughts and challenge them. Love this post! 😄

  • Tonya England

    This was so very enlightening and helpful. I needed these reminders to stop trying to control things and just let the universe handle it. Thank you! ❤️

  • JustJenn

    I absolutely loved this I have been talking about manifestation and then how to do it correctly and with feeling and emotion…and I’ve had a hard time with my vibrations lately! They are completely all over the place…more down than up! Getting back into bad habits but I caught myself this time quick!!! I feel like the universe is giving me two choices between two men and even my life…do I want to stay on the clean serene path I’ve been on with a great life with Bradley or do I go with Kevin who drinks socially and doesn’t do substances!? Mhhh it all clicked just now…wow thank you for this I’m so excited to see what comes ahead and I’ll keep you up to date!

    • Isabelle Dias

      Jenn, just the fact that you are recognizing what are the aspects you need to work on is already your manifestation in action! And good luck!!

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