Reinventing Yourself

8 Unique Activities to Boost Your Confidence

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Last Updated on April 29, 2024 by Isabelle Dias

I guess you are looking for practical activities to boost your confidence and help you develop your development journey... In that case, you are in the right place! 

This article will show you what confidence boosting activities have best worked for my clients and me. Plus, give you tons of science and psychology-based tips and tricks! 

This one is a biggie, so grab yourself a cup of tea and get cozy. If you need to pin this bad boy for later, I recommend doing that now!

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But first… 

Since my goal with this blog is to equip you with tools to create a life YOU LOVE, fitting the worldview you believe in, I think it’s important to explain to you the method behind the madness. Because you are the master of your destiny, honey bunny, and you deserve to know why those activities will actually help you increase confidence! 

All of those activities work as simple ways to boost confidence because they tap into a crucial thing inside of this beautiful brain of yours: self-efficacy.  

When you need to boost your self-confidence, the most reliable and safe way to do this is to shake up your self-efficacy levels. I already dug deep on this concept, but for the purposes of this post, keep in mind that self-efficacy is: 

“‘Self-efficacy refers to an individual’s belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments (…). reflects confidence in the ability to exert control over one’s own motivation, behavior, and social environment. (…)’ – American Psychological Association 

Now translating to real-life terms: when you succeed at a task, you put a little block on your ‘I believe in myself!’ wall. When you fail at a task, you take out a little block at your ‘I believe in myself!’ wall.”

In every single one of those activities, you are going to be doing just that: putting one more block on your “I believe in myself!” wall. Or, like I like to call the updated version: “I am a badass!” wall.

Now, how about those activities that build self-confidence I promised you? 

#1 Learn about something you LOVE

There is nothing more empowering than educating yourself.

So, when we are talking about activities that boost confidence, one of the best things to start is to choose a topic you are interested in and sign up for The University of Google.

For example, if you are interested in skincare, spend some time reading about the best practices, watching videos on Youtube created by dermatologists….

If you love some Marie Kondo, invest a few hours studying the mindset about the methodology she created and how to implement more of it in your life!

The goal of this activity is to boost your confidence in yourself and your intellectual abilities. Turn your nerd on and have fun! 

#2 Create something from scratch 

And no… You don’t need to create the next Mona Lisa for this to be effective! The goal here is to have fun and increase your self-efficacy, remember? 

You can do this by finding a recipe on Pinterest that makes you excited about dinner. Or starting that DIY project you saved in one of your secret boards’ ages ago but never had time to start. 

The beautiful thing about creating something from scratch is that research shows that this actually enhances mental health and makes us happier! 

Quoting Psychology Today (cause we fancy):

“Research has shown that hand activity from knitting to woodworking to growing vegetables or chopping them are useful for decreasing stress, relieving anxiety, and modifying depression” – Psychology Today

It’s time to tune into your inner Cake Boss and go bake that peanut butter brownie! 

#3 Workout

As Elle Woods beautifully said it: 

If you don’t know yet, endorphins are a chemical your body releases during exercise. And besides boosting your happiness, research has shown that physical activity also improves self-esteem and ward off anxiety and depression feelings. 

Register for your local Zumba, Cycling, Yoga, CrossFit class, or just go for a run! The goal is to choose something you will LOVE doing. 

Also, if you don’t want to leave the house, there are tons of videos on Youtube! When I need to have a quick boost, I usually go for fun dance party classes – yep, they are actually a thing!

To inspire you, let me share two of my favorites:

  • …Aaand this Hamilton Dance Workout. Little secret: I am heavily obsessed with Hamilton. I randomly quote the songs during my daily life, being completely shameless about it! Nobody is perfect.

Both don’t require any equipment and are a full-body workout, so have fun!

#4 Take yourself on a self-development date

I am a BIG fan of taking yourself out on dates. But when aiming for activities to gain self-confidence, things can get even more enjoyable! 

Think of a self-development date as something that will unite business and pleasure. You will be devoting time for personal development, as you are doing something fun!

A few examples are:

Going to a cute coffee shop and spending some hours reading a self-help book, as you sip on delicious coffee. 

Or going for a walk in the park as you listen to your favorite podcasts or audiobook. 

It’s a treat yo self + educate yo self moment! 

This works because it promotes independence and confidence in your ability to be happy, peaceful, and fulfilled without depending on other people. Win-win! 

#5 Do a self-care day at home

Still on the note of treating yourself… What about a self-care day at home?

It’s important to understand that this is more than just a spa day since self-care has a more holistic approach than just indulging face masks. 

So think about starting your day with some light yoga and guided meditation. Then spend some time on your favorite skincare routine and a nice bubble bath. Finish the day watching a feel-good movie and eating your favorite comfort food. A whole day dedicated to yourself! 

Pure. Bliss. 

#6 Write about your biggest dreams, and take time to visualize them coming true

One of the most powerful ways to build self-confidence is by setting and achieving goals and dreams. This process can develop your sense of self and take your self-efficacy levels to the roof! 

Sometimes, when you are too caught up on a no-self-confidence-rut, it’s easy to forget and have clarity on your dreams. But not today…

Write down your top three goals. Don’t judge. Just write. 

After writing them down, read each one of them a few times. Next, close your eyes and imagine how your life will be after you accomplish them. How you will feel, what will be different, how your daily routine it’s going to look like…

This activity will help you create a new exciting script for yourself and your life. And quoting one of my favorite life lessons:

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.” – William Arthur Ward 

#7 Go to your social media channels and unfollow/block/mute everyone who makes you doubt yourself

The social media space is probably the only place in life where you can have full control of who is around you. Take advantage of that!

Surround yourself with supportive, positive content, and people.

Let go, unfollow, block, mute anything or anyone who does not support your healthy sense of self-confidence. 

#8 Implement a new daily routine 

Investment in yourself is ALWAYS the best investment. 

Take some time to observe your current daily routine and recognize what is serving your confidence building and what has become a roadblock. 

Also, look closer and investigate where you can find time to make self-care a daily habit. Trust me, it doesn’t have to take tons of time.

A quick morning routine or bedtime routine can do wonders for how you view and value yourself (hello, self-efficacy calling!)

Invest time in routines that make you feel good about yourself and where your life is going. This makes you less likely to be vulnerable to feelings of insecurity. 

Now, I want to hear from you! What did you think of those 8 activities to help build confidence? 

Leave a comment below and tell me about it.

If those ideas were helpful, do me a favor and share them! And be sure to pin for later!

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Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.


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