habits that will change your life blog post for women
Reinventing Yourself

Nine Small Underrated Habits That Will Change Your Life

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The question we all want to know the answer to: it’s actually possible to change your life and become the person you always dreamed of being? 

In this article, I’m going to introduce you to simple (but super effective) practices that can get you set for success on the first steps of creating a life you love. 

Every journey starts with a small step, and it’s time to give names to those steps so you can actually get a clear picture of how daily habits can change your life… for good!

Small Underrated Habits That Will Change Your Life

#1 Stop checking social media first thing in the morning


One of the worst things you can do for yourself is grabbing your phone to scroll through Instagram, messages, and email first thing in the morning. And that’s not me saying; it’s just our old gal science: 

“Dr. Nikole Benders-Hadi, a psychiatrist at Doctor On Demand, tells Elite Daily that immediately turning to your phone when you wake up can start your day off in a way that is more likely to increase stress and leave you feeling overwhelmed — but that’s not even the full scope of the effects. ‘The information overload that hits [you] before you’re fully awake also interferes with your ability to prioritize tasks,’ Dr. Benders-Hadi explains. In other words, it’s almost as if you’re sabotaging your day before it even has a chance to begin. Tristan Harris, a former design ethicist at Google, and co-founder of the Center For Humane Technology, expanded on this issue in a 2016 post for Thrive Global: Looking at your phone first thing in the morning, Harris wrote, essentially ‘frames the experience of ‘waking up in the morning’ around a menu of ‘all the things I’ve missed since yesterday,’ which could make you less productive overall for the rest of the day. Yikes.” – Elite Daily

Yes, yikes. 

So, now that you know how getting hit with all the likes and tweets as soon as you open your cute little eyes is terrible for you, one question arises… What to do instead? 

Fear not, because that’s what the second underrated life-changing habit is about!

#2 Create a simple morning routine

When I talk about creating a morning routine, maybe your mind goes straight to those “5 am morning routine” Youtube videos. And maybe, just maybe, you feel like this is not for you. And that’s ok! 

An effective morning routine is one that will set your spirit, soul, and body to conquer the day. Giving you a greater sense of clarity and direction. You don’t necessarily need to wake up before the sun rises to have those results. 

My advice on morning routines is: start small, stay consistent. 

You could start your day by lighting a scented candle as you pray or meditate for 5 minutes. Or just getting a fresh cup of coffee while you read two or three pages of a personal development book

Think about small routines that will make you feel in control and excited about your day. If you need more ideas, I share a few of my favorites over here.

Remember: it’s about getting clarity and direction, feeling grounded to start your day with the right mindset. 

#3 Always have a water bottle with you (and drink from it!)

HYDRATE, SISTER! Keeping a water bottle near you will be a constant reminder of drinking water. And if you think this is BS, come closer, and let’s have a little chat on why this is one of the habits that will change your life…

The power of water goes beyond just making your body function properly. Besides making your skin glow, drinking enough water is also responsible for striking signs and wonders like:

  • Help you kickass during workouts
  • Keep your energy level up through the day
  • Supports your memory
  • Reduces feelings of anxiety and fatigue
  • Help prevent and treat a headache
  • Improves concentration
  • Balances mood and emotions
  • AND MORE! 

So yes, raise a glass and drink your water! 

#4 Be intentional about creating solitude moments

I talk so much about this concept here on the blog that I feel like the ambassador of solitude. 

But, yes, being intentional about spending time with yourself is LIFE CHANGING, and truly one of the habits that will change your life.

There are many physical and psychological benefits for solitude, like helping you reset your brain and unwind your emotions, increase your productivity, and even increase empathy. 

But, one of the most incredible things about spending consistent alone time with yourself, it’s the opportunity of finding who you really are. It’s the chance of getting connected with the most authentic and purest parts of yourself.

It’s so easy to get caught up in what people want or need us to be that sometimes we forget who we really are. 

Take yourself on a coffee date, for a walk around the park, or just a bubble bath. Use those precious moments to disconnect from the outside and tune in with your inside. 

#5 Get serious about curating the content you consume on social media

I said it before, and I will repeat it: The social media space is probably the only place in life where you can have full control of who is around you. And when talking about changing your life, you must take advantage of that!

If you follow people who post content that triggers or makes you feel bad and uncomfortable in some way, UNFOLLOW

I’m also talking about even those High School or College friends who seem to have a perfect life, always leaving you with the feeling of not good enough with their posts. 

If you feel like unfollowing is too drastic, silence or unsubscribe from their profiles on Facebook (you stop seeing their posts, but you are still friends). 

Your mental and emotional health is way more important than making everyone happy. 

Instead, start following people that share positive, uplifting content. The type of stuff that makes you laugh, inspired, and good about yourself. 

This way, social media can help you as an ally instead of a destructive black hole. 

#6 Serve people around you 

To give you a deeper understanding of the power of serving as one of the habits that will change your life, let me share with you an extract of the book I’m currently reading: 

“A glorious secret I have discovered (…) is that giving creates its own kind of energy, its own kind of power. (…) It starts with the giver, then goes out into the world, then returns to the giver in multiplied ways, feeding him/her more energy, then goes out into the world again, then returns to the giver yet again, and on and on in a virtuous cycle. (…) Givers have a presence about them that is unmistakable and an energy level that is unmatched. I used to think that people were just naturally buoyant and energetic, and that was why they had so much to give to others. I have since learned that it is giving itself that gives people an unbounded supply of energy. Service begets service. Selfishness begets selfishness.” – Exponential Living, by Sheri Riley

You don’t need to go to a developing country on the other side of the world to start serving. And even though social work is terrific, serving has many different forms.

Think of serving as an answer to this simple question: “How can I make someone’s life better today?” 

It doesn’t have to be big! You can serve ordering dinner for your sister, because you know she is busy. Maybe sending an encouraging message for a friend the day before she had a job interview. Throw a night-in-chill-surprise date for your significant other after he/she/they had a tough week at work. Or even donating your old clothes to Goodwill. 

How can you make someone’s life better today?


Can you believe that being a bookworm has benefits for your physical and mental health?

According to scientific studies, the benefits of reading are vast and varied. From straightening the brain, to preventing age-related cognitive decline (I’m planning on being a badass sassy grandma). It also reduces stress, helps you alleviate depression symptoms, and… Are you ready for the mind-blowing one? 

May help you live longer! 

Are you ready to pick your next book and start your journey to sassy granny with me? 

#8 Commit to a no-screen-policy for at least 30 minutes before bed

Why do you have to mess up our brains, screens?

Yet again, on our list of habits that will change your life, this one is associated with screen time. As the dangers of checking the ‘gram first thing in the morning, this should also not be part of your unwind routine. 

Among many other things, our beloved researchers found out that the blue light emitted by the cellphone suppresses melatonin. In case you don’t know, this is the hormone responsible for helping you fall asleep and making your sleep effective. 

It also decreases your REM sleep, which helps you restore your mind and body and solidify memories and learning. 

I’m still working on this myself, and one of the most effective ways to keep the no-screen time 30 minutes before bed is also the next habit. 

#9 Have a simple night routine

Following the same principle of the morning routine, consistency is more important than complexity. 

Your evening routine can be as simple as putting your phone on airplane mode and taking a warm shower listening to a chill playlist (pre-downloaded on the phone). Or reading for a few minutes, as you sip camomile tea. If you need more ideas, I have a few resources for you here and here.

A bedtime routine will help unwind your mind and get your body ready for a restful night of sweet dreams. 

When looking at all those habits that will change your life, I highly recommend that you pick one or two to implement at a time. Don’t feel pressured to figure out all of your life at once. Real change needs time to set in and work its magic! 

One thing I know for sure: You got this!

Now, I want to hear from you! What did you think of those 9 small underrated habits that will change your life? 

Leave a comment below and tell me about it.

If those ideas were helpful, be sure to pin it for later!

Small Underrated Habits That Will Change Your Life 2

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Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.


  • June

    #3 just became my new goal for next year, getting a cute water bottle to help 😜. Thanks for the blog post, Isabelle! Found it on Pinterest and loved it!

  • Becky

    I love this article! I’m glad I found your blog. 🙂 I feel like our content is really similar! With all of these tips I kept reading, I was like “YASS” to every one of them! The best thing I’ve done so far this year is putting my phone down an hour before bed and reading. Then, avoiding Instagram first thing in the morning has been huge for me too! Wonderful tips here! 🙂 Happy New Year!

    • Isabelle Dias

      Becky!! I am so glad you found the blog and loved the article! I actually just checked your blog and really loved the content, as well.
      Isn’t the “no phone, just a book” the best night routine ever? I’ve been implementing it for the past week, and I don’t know why I haven’t started before. Thank you so much for your sweet comment, and Happy New Year!

  • Serena

    I came across your site on Pinterest. I searched for journal prompts and your prompts came up. I have been on your site for the last hour or so because your content is soooo good! Very relatable and practical. I am quick to close a page with grandiose ideas/suggestions. I will definitely be sending my friends your link! Thank you for helping me on my journey to a better self! Xoxo

    • Isabelle Dias

      Ah! Your comments warmed my heart, Serena! I am so happy you loved the blog! Small ideas can be powerful when we are consistent with them!

  • Kyra

    I totally agree that reading helps to decrease stress levels. At the beginning of lockdown last year, it became my goal to read more than 10 books during the year, and I can say that reading has helped me to ignore negative thoughts and focus on improving myself as a person. Great post!

  • Nona

    Hey there! Came across your night routine on Pinterest and now I found myself ready this. Cool actually! Just the right habits that I need. Now I’m ready to opt in to a new me! Thank you Isabelle!

    • Isabelle Dias

      Hey there, Nona! Welcome to the blog! I am so happy we found each other, and I’m just so glad this blog post is exactly what you need right now.

  • good habits that will change your life

    Implementing good daily habits has truly transformed my life for the better! From starting each morning with a nutritious breakfast and exercise, to dedicating time for learning and self-improvement, these habits have become the cornerstone of my success. They have empowered me to take control of my day, boost my productivity, and enhance my overall well-being. By consistently practicing these habits, I have experienced increased energy, reduced stress, and a greater sense of fulfillment. It’s incredible how such small actions can have such a profound impact on one’s life. Trust me, embrace good habits and witness the remarkable change they can bring!

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