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Life Routines,  Self-Care

13 Simple Ways To Start A Healthy Lifestyle Today

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Ok, it’s time to spill the tea we all want to know: what ACTUALLY takes to start a healthy lifestyle? I bet that the 10-day cleanses and insane workout challenges are not working long-term, so what is actually going to make a difference?

In this article, I will share with you thirteen simple ways to start a healthy lifestyle today, inspired by my own health journey. Let me be honest: I will be straightforward with you and show you what REALLY works. 

Get ready to learn shocking yet freeing health concepts that will change your life and create a healthier you, starting… NOW!

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or dietitian. All the ideas, tips, and inspiration I am about to share helped me and worked for my specific lifestyle. Please, before making any changes talk to your doctor. All the info here is for pure entertainment and educational purposes. 

#1 Make a list of the things you want to improve 

One of the biggest challenges when we really want to improve something as holistic and subjective as our health is that this can look like a million different things. 

Before you start, make a list of the things that have been bothering you regarding your health. Get clear on what you want to improve. 

For example, my vegetable and water intake, the amount of time I spend weekly moving my body… You get the point. 

This list is the first step for success since it will equip you with clarity and direction. And knowing exactly where we want to go is half of the work! 

#2 Move your body in a way that feels good 

And before you think, “Well, there is NO SUCH a thing!” can we make a deal? 

The deal I want to take with you is: give a chance to exercise. Some of us got used to the idea that working out can be painful (physically and emotionally) and something that we do to punish ourselves and our bodies. 

I get it. This was how I felt for years! 

Things only started changing when I understood that moving my body is actually an act of pure love for myself. Not only for all the benefits we already know that generate for our health – like reducing risks of heart disease, managing blood sugar, and all that jazz.

What sold me on working out was actually the benefits related to mental health.

As someone diagnosed with clinical depression, I can’t even start to express the difference exercise has made in my treatment and my quality of life! 

Research shows that exercise can help you alleviate depression, treat and prevent anxiety, mood-enhancement, and more. Isn’t that amazing? 

But the trick is to find something you really like. Don’t do strength training just because everyone else is doing. If your thing is dancing like nobody’s watching or going for long walks as you listen to your favorite podcast, go for it! 

The important thing is to move that body; the benefits will come. 

#3 Get into marriage counseling with food

Ok, let me explain this concept. 

When my doctor found out through blood work that I was super close to developing pre-diabetes, I panicked. 

She referred me to a nutritionist, and that’s where I was introduced to the marriage-counseling-with-food concept. 

I open-up to my nutritionist that I had a hard time developing a healthy relationship with food, but I really wanted to change that. To which she answered:

“Well, how do you develop a better relationship with someone you love and intend to spend the rest of your life with? Think about a marriage. You go to marriage counseling with them. You give them a chance to show new sides of themselves to you and become open-minded to what that relationship can transform into. Committing to making it work for both sides. Give food a chance. Allow yourself to spend time with food, research new ways to make your favorite meal, and be open to new perspectives”. 


This allowed me to create new recipes with a healthier take and even respect my cravings. Food and I are thriving in our relationship, but I know we still have tons to work on. 

If your relationship with food has been causing you turmoil, jump into this concept too and give food another chance. Spend time with food. Allow yourself to find new ways to prepare and enjoy your favorite recipes. And commit to make this love story work. 

#4 Add more good ol’ water into your routine

I am all about that hydration, honey! I have been saying over and over here in this blog the power of drinking enough water. You can go and check them out if you want to go deep into the beautiful science of H2O (aka, good ol’ water). 

This time, I want to get practical with you. One of the things that helped my handsome husband and me get our daily water intake in check is to make it a game. 

We both have our own water bottles, and at the beginning of the day, we start the challenge of drinking six full water bottles until 8pm. And then… we make it fun.

We celebrate once a new water bottle is over and remind each other to keep going. 

You don’t need to drink the same amount of water as us, but I encourage you to adopt a cute water bottle and create a daily goal for yourself. 

#5 Be friends with your doctor 

I know not everyone has the privilege to be able to go to a doctor. But if you can, please don’t take it for granted. 

I am originally from Brazil, and the culture there is to go to the doctor as soon as you feel something is off. It can be minimal, like a weird rash, but we grab the phone and schedule that appointment. 

I know that part of this is because my home country has free healthcare, so we can do this. The other part is that health is a BIG part of the culture. The average lifespan of a Brazilian female is 78 years old, so go us! 

After moving to America, I had to give bye-bye to free health, but still take to heart the idea of being friends with my doctor.

And that is not as impossible as it seems! Something simple like a yearly wellness check-up and blood work goes a long way (that’s how I found out about pre-diabetes). 

Also, don’t down-play consistent pains or anything abnormal that shows up in your body. Early diagnosis can be life-saving! 

#6 Include at least 4 different colors into your meal

Can you say r-a-i-n-b-o-w with me? 

Please, say it with me, because we will follow this Harvard’s recommendation when putting our meals together. 

“Colorful fruits and vegetables can paint a beautiful picture of health because they contain phytonutrients, compounds that give plants their rich colors as well as their distinctive tastes and aromas. Phytonutrients also strengthen a plant’s immune system. They protect the plant from threats in their natural environment such as disease and excessive sun.

When humans eat plant foods, phytonutrients protect us from chronic diseases. Phytonutrients have potent anti-cancer and anti-heart disease effects. And epidemiological research suggests that food patterns that include fruits and vegetables are associated with a reduced risk of many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, and maybe protective against certain types of cancers.” – Harvard Medical School

And if you are thinking how the heck are you going to add so many colors to your plate, I have one effortless way to do it, waiting for you on the next point. 

#7 Sneak in veggies

Part of my marriage counseling with food is to add as many vegetables as I can into my meals. One of the easiest ways to do it is to sneak some staple veggies into sauces and stir-fries. 

My vegetables getting into my food

For example, suppose I’m making a red meat sauce for my pasta. Now I make sure to add onions, garlic, little celery pieces, carrots, and lots of spinach.

To be honest, spinach became my favorite secret ingredient. It is mainly because you can put tons of it into anything, and it will dehydrate and mix super well with the other flavors. While you still get all the benefits! 

I also have been doing a lot of cauliflower rice stir-fries, using the same principle. It’s incredible how much more colorful food we can eat using this little trick! 

#8 Less screen time, more alternative downtime 

Ok, that rhyme was awful. But please, don’t give up on me. 

What I mean by this is to find other ways to relax and have downtime, beside screens. 

When we only rely on screens to help us unwind and relax, we can slip into dangerous territory.

When we are only engaging in those so-called sedentary activities, think about tv, scrolling through the phone, playing video games, etc., heart health suffers. Also, a higher risk of diabetes increased blood pressure, and cholesterol is developed. 

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love my Netflix binge sessions, and I’m not telling you to completely abandon them. Instead, try to add more options to your relaxation-rotation. Here are some things I have been trying instead:

  • Adult coloring books
  • Reading fiction books
  • Trying new recipes
  • Listening to podcasts 
  • Grabbing a coffee and going for a short walk
  • Calling close friends and family
  • Training my dog
  • Working out (yes, I am one of those people)
  • Doing consistent skincare sessions with masks and all that fun
  • Luxurious bubble baths (+your favorite playlist and candle)
  • Journaling
  • Playing board and card games with the family

Those things have helped me feel way more grounded while still relaxing and unwinding from the day. 

#9 Get your sleeping beauty vibes on

Oh man, I don’t know about you, but I love me some sleep! 

The good part is that besides resetting your body, getting your ZZZs also does wonders for your health, like:

  • Sharper brain
  • Better mood
  • Weight control
  • Fewer cravings
  • Improvement of your immune system
  • And a lot more

One of the things that have been helping me is to establish a night routine.

I have an alarm that goes off at 8 pm every week-night, letting me know it is time to shut off and start my routine.

This way, I make sure that I’m having enough sleep most days while letting things a little loose for the weekends. So I don’t feel I’m missing all the fun!

I know that, especially if you have little ones, getting enough sleep can become a challenge. So please, have grace with yourself and remember that this is just a season. In a few years, you will get your bedtime back. 

#10 Coffee is (actually) your friend 

I know that for a while now, there has been some backlash on coffee. So I gotta say that when I started researching and learned the benefits of coffee, me and my cute Starbucks Tall Latte felt vindicated. 

If you decided to quit coffee, I respect your decision. Please, do what feels best for your health and routine. 

But, if you are a coffee lover like me, here are some scientific facts to keep us in love with our cup of joe: 

  • Coffee contains essential nutrients like vitamin B2, B5, B3, Manganese, and Potassium
  • It may lower the risk for Type 2 Diabetes
  • May protect you from Alzheimer’s
  • May protect your liver
  • It’s the most significant source of antioxidants in the Western diet

Can I get an amen followed by a grande flat white with almond milk and sugar-free vanilla? Thank you. 

#11 Get spicy 

As a Latina, I was in shock the first time I cooked with my in-laws. I grew up using at least 4 different spices every time I made a homemade meal.

Imagine my little Brazilian heartbreaking when I found out my American family only used salt and pepper to season food. 

Thankfully, a few years in, now I learned tons of American-cuisine tricks with my mother-in-law and taught her some of my own. One thing that we always talk about is that the fantastic health benefits of using spices and herbs consistently!

For example, rosemary, clove, oregano, and cinnamon are powerful antioxidants. Sage can improve brain function, and basil helps fight infections and boost immunity. 

Unleash your inner spiciness, and let’s season this food, mama! 

#12 Stop going on diets

Ok, I know this can seem counterintuitive. But hear me out. 

First, I’m not talking here about eating a healthy and balanced diet. I am talking about fad diets that promise insane results and little amount of time, following a list of restrictive food rules. 

Scientists are clear about the risks of diet culture, and how they do not help you keep a healthy weight long term. 

Besides the frustration of gaining all the pounds (and then more), dieting also causes harm to your mental and physical health. Constant weight fluctuation causes way more damage than what we give credit to from Type 2 Diabetes to increased heart disease risk. 

The best approach is to talk to a professional and figure out the best strategy to reach your health and address any health concerns. 

But the real change comes when you put the next point into practice… 

#13 Educate yourself

When you educate yourself about your health from respectful sources, you get the control back. 

No more diet industry messages telling you what to eat and not eat. No more ads of workout programs telling what you should do. 

You are the best expert in you. And when you unite your inner Knowing with research and tools from specialists, you become invincible.

Look for books, talk to your doctor, and even Youtube videos from specialists (REAL specialists with a medical degree). 

One of my favorite resources to educate myself, especially on nutrition, is Abbey Sharp.

She is a registered dietitian that makes outstanding education and fun to watch Youtube videos. Her tagline says it all: science and sass. 

One of my favorite videos to start is this one over here. In this video, she talks about how to implement nutrition into our lives in a gentle way. 

Most of all, have patience with yourself on your health journey. Implement one thing at a time and check-in with your body to understand what makes you feel good and what you need to let go of. 

I am very proud of you for investing in a healthy lifestyle. You got this! 

I’m curious to know what you think about those 13 simple ways to start a healthy lifestyle? 

Leave a comment below and tell me: are you already implementing any of those tips? If so, which one? 

If those ideas were helpful, be sure to pin it for later!

Sharing is Caring ♡

Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.


  • Kyra

    Love this post! 😆 I agree that spending too much time on Netflix or any other TV platform is not healthy. Ever since Easter, I had gotten into the habit of watching too much Youtube, especially the self-improvement Youtube. This resulted in me neglecting the activities I loved, such as exercising, reading and writing, but I definitely on my way to improving this unhealthy habit. 🙂

  • Evangelia

    I have to admit the Netflix thing is something I have been struggling with for a while! TV has always been my safety net but I am motivated to put an end to that habit! Awesome post!!

    • Isabelle Dias

      I deeply understand that! TV is also a safety net for me, so I get how challenging it can be! And I am happy you like the post!

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