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4 Simple Strategies to Help You Cope With Anxiety

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Last Updated on April 29, 2024 by Isabelle Dias

You can’t take it anymore. Things got so bad that you googled “How to cope with anxiety.” And that’s ok because you landed on just the right thing to help you out and give you some simple and easy-to-follow strategies to help cope with anxiety and stress. 

I’m about to share some very juicy stuff you will want to have in hand whenever you need it. If you’re going to pin this cutie at your favorite board over Pinterest, I recommend doing that now! 

Please take a deep breath and settle in (you know, as much as you can) because we are about to start our journey! 

Some cute ol’ disclaimer for y’all: I am not a doctor or therapist. What you are about to read is based on my own experience and tools I learned while researching and living with depression. Nothing here is intended to be a replacement for therapy. Those ideas are for entertainment and educational purposes only. So take my words with a grain of salt, and let it go if it does not resonate with you. Ok, boo? 💖

Cope with anxiety naturally

#1 Backed by science: journal about your feelings

When talking about coping with anxiety, journaling is one of the most powerful and accessible tools around. Don’t trust my word only; researchers have found some kickass benefits that come when you put some time into writing about your feelings and life experiences: 

“Research studies have revealed the numerous benefits of journaling. One of the most studied aspects of journal writing pertains to its healing effects. It has been determined that those who keep a journal are more likely to be connected to their emotions and problem-solving skills. Keeping a journal has also been found to help a person relieve stress, let go of negativity, refocus on gratitude, and work through difficult emotions and circumstances.

Used as a coping technique, journal writing can be a helpful way to explore your fears, manage your stress, and enhance your personal well-being. Much like talking to a trusted friend or therapist, your journal can be a way for you to openly communicate your worries, hopes, dreams, and disappointments.” – Verywell Mind

How cool is that?

I must admit that journaling is one of my main techniques when having anxious days or even situations. A big part of anxiety is that overwhelming feeling of not fully understanding what is going on. And that’s when your journal makes its big entrance! 

As you journal, you can get clarity and name feeling, emotions and triggers. Way beyond helping with anxiety; it’s an incredible tool of self-discovery!

I love to do free writing journal entries, where I “dump” everything on my mind on paper, but I know it can be a little intimidating when you are just starting. That’s when journal prompts can help ease you into the practice and make it fun! To get you started, here are some of my favorites: 

30-Day journaling challenge for self-love & self-reflection

Daily self-reflection journal prompts

Psychology-based journal prompts for self-discovery

#2 Get some fresh air. It will help your emotions to become more manageable

My husband and I decided not to start a conversation about our feelings when they are very intense. Instead, we go for a walk, spend some time alone and then (when we feel a little less heated) we sit down and talk about whatever we need. This strategy has been saving us from so many unnecessary arguments! 

This strategy can also bring incredible benefits when used to deal with anxiety. When you allow yourself to have space from the overwhelming thing at that moment, you can “turn the heat down” a little bit and get perspective on the situation and your emotions. 

“When you’re outside, stop for a minute and take a deep breath. Research shows that exposing your lungs to fresh air, and the scents of flowers and plants, can help to relieve stress and anxiety. Oxygen is thought to affect the levels of serotonin released in the body, in turn, contributing to feelings of happiness and relaxation.” – Benenden Health 

To go even deeper into the science behind it, going for a walk actually can shut down the anxious part of our brain and help us think more clearly. It does so by creating a perfect hormonal environment to allow discerning thoughts. (If you want to geek out about how this happens, I recommend checking this MBG article over here.

How can a person cope with anxiety?

#3 Talk to someone. It will help you have a safe, grounded place outside your head

I used to think the best way to cope with anxious feelings was to keep them to myself and think about my thoughts. I didn’t want to involve other people! 

Things started to change when my husband began to talk with me calmly in the middle of a panic attack. Simple things like “Let’s breathe in and breathe out together” and “I am here with you. We are going to get through this.”

A few days after that episode, I asked him why he did that? To which he responded: “I googled how to help someone during a panic attack.” 

Little did I know at the time that talking with someone during an anxiety attack or even “normal-daily-life” anxiety is one of the best ways to push through it. Research has shown that engaging in light conversations and knowing you are not alone can help you stay grounded during those challenging moments. 

So, if you are going through an anxious moment, resist the urge to stay alone. Talk with someone that makes you feel safe. And, if possible, send this article to your close loved ones. This way, they will know how to help you during an anxiety attack. 

There is no shame in asking for help. People love and care more about you than you think. 

#4 Ask yourself: “What can I do right now, with the resources I have?”

Ok! You did the work, but one of those strategies is in place, and we feel a little more balanced. Yay for you! 

But, even though you feel calmer, the reason that created your anxiety in the first place probably didn’t go away. 

That’s why I want you to ask yourself the question: What can I do right now, with the resources I have?

This question will help you get some direction on your next steps and feel a little more in control. 

Go for doable, not perfect! The goal is to make you feel that the situation is manageable and get what it takes to make it work. 

I hope you know you have what it takes, even when it doesn’t feel like it. 

Now, I would love to know in the comments: What is your favorite way to cope with anxiety? I am excited to see your answers!

If those ideas were helpful, be sure to share them with a friend that can use this! 

And always remember: You deserve to live a life you are absolutely in love with!

Sharing is Caring ♡

Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.


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