Life Routines

How To Read A Book A Day + Honest Bookey Review

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Last Updated on April 29, 2024 by Isabelle Dias

This Bookey Review became very personal. The reason? Reading has changed my life.

I know this may sound like a bold statement. Still, it’s the truth from learning how to speak English to start my own business, overcoming low self-confidence, and getting my health back. Nothing would have happened without coming across the right books. 

You can say I am obsessed with reading (my first blog, at the age of eight, was called “I love to read,” for heaven’s sake).

But over the last months, as I went full time with my business, I found myself not having enough time to read anymore. Reading is a big part of my personal development practice, so this was making me feel overwhelmed.

Have you ever felt that way about not having enough time to invest in yourself? 

So, when the team at Bookey reached out to me, saying, “We have an app that will help you and your audience to read a full book in 30 minutes,” I thought it was too good to be true. Not gonna lie; I was skeptical at first. 

But the possibility of keeping up with my reading goals and learning new things to give me support in this new season of life convinced me to give the app a chance.

Click here to get your free 7-day Bookey Premium Membership trial.

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. This means we may earn a small commission if you decide to purchase using a link we share. There is no additional cost for you, and it helps us to keep creating awesome content! So thank you! 💘✨

Bookey Review: What is the Bookey App?

Ok, but what is this Bookey App thing? 

Bookey is an app where you can listen to book summaries and key ideas in 30 minutes or less. 

Each title comes with the written summary, the audio version, and a visual mind map with the key ideas. You even get a quiz you can take after finishing your book. 

With more than 500 titles available, weekly new additions keep their library packed with the latest best sellers and must-read classics. They are super proud of their community of +50000 lifelong learners. 

Bookey Review app

The focus of Bookey is to help self-learners looking for ways to invest in their self-development and personal growth (well… that sounds a lot like us). The app’s promise is to give you quick insights from the world’s bestsellers in 30 min. 

I have been testing the app for the past week. In this Bookey review, I will share with you my honest experience, plus if this app is really a good choice when looking for a practical and doable personal development practice. 

Ready to discover if reading a book a day in less than an hour it’s even possible? 

You can click here to download Bookey and follow through with me.

Bookey Review: How does the Bookey App work? 

As soon as I downloaded the Bookey app, the first thing they wanted to do was to get to know me a little better. 

This way, they could help me in a more personalized way. For example, giving me books suggestions that were more in tune with my personality, reading style, and main goals. 

Bookey Review books suggestions and personalization

After learning more about myself and my current reading habits, it was time to set a reading goal. I was already loving this feature because it would optimize my time, but then… Something happened. 

At the end of the quiz, I got a personalized list with a 21 Day Growth Challenge! SAY WHAT??!

Bookey Review reading challenge

You guys know I am the queen of challenges, so knowing that I would have guidance as I reintroduced daily reading into my routine, was a big plus of using Bookey. 

The challenge is simple: you have a daily goal of five minutes of reading. That’s it. 

You can get that reading through audio, with a narrator reading out loud for you. Or just go old school with reading, using the book summary available in the app. 

I gotta tell you that I was very impressed when I realized I could listen to a whole chapter in five minutes. I ended up reading two books on the first day only, which was a great boost to my confidence.

I was even more impressed (and excited to finish my challenge!) when I learned that Bookey is partnering with Books for Africa. And will donate a book in your name once you complete the challenge. 

Talk about motivation! 

Bookey Review app books available

When doing the challenge, you have the option to follow the list they suggest or go over Bookey’s library and pick your own. Bookey has more than 500 titles currently available in their library, with more coming consistently. 

From personal development to psychology & happiness, fiction classics, parenting, finance & investments, and sooo much more. 

Your girl was in heaven. 

An Honest Bookey Review:

What Are The Positives & Negatives of Bookey

Since this is an honest Bookey review, let me share with you some of the pros and cons of signing up:


  • Like I said before, you have a huge selection of books. Ranging from management and business, personal development, psychology & happiness, biography & memoir, finance & investments, fiction classics, society & culture, parenting & education, health & sports, nature & society, history & politics to philosophy & religion. 
  • Don’t you hate the feeling of investing your money on a new book just to find out you don’t like it later? With Bookey, you get to try new books without the financial commitment since all the books in their library are included in your membership. 
  • Although they have a Premium Subscription, Bookey offers a free daily article, plus a monthly free collection of books in specific categories. You can enjoy and test the app as you decide if it’s the right fit for you.
  • Not sure where to start? Besides the 21 Day Challenge, Bookey also has collections of books. Like a Pinterest Board of books that talk about similar topics. For example, “How to raise an outstanding and happy child with ease? and “How to change when change is difficult.” 
  • Inside the app, you can join other Bookey Members in clubs called “Learning Path.” You can pick a topic (for example, Personal Development) and start studying the books necessary to master that topic. You graduate from elementary to intermediate and advanced. How cool is that? 
  • You have new books being added every week, and their selection is packed with best sellers.
  • You can download the books and listen when offline. A win-win for someone who is always using the subway or wants to save data, like me. 
  • You can choose your narrator’s voice. If it’s a man, a woman, US or UK English. My current favorite is Amy, a lovely British lady.
  • Bookey App is a partner of Books for Africa. For every challenge that you finish, they donate books to disadvantaged children in Africa in your name. Bookey keeps a list of everyone who completed the challenge and contributed to the project on their website. This is seriously my favorite part! 


  • It’s A LOT of content, and that may feel overwhelming. So pick one of the options where things are guided and organized comprehensively (like Challenges or Learning Path) to help you stick to it.
  • In the beginning, it took me a while to familiarize myself with the app and where I should click or go to get what I wanted. As soon as I started using more, things began to make sense. 
  • You will be getting the book summary, with main key points and a mind-map, not the whole book word by word. The way I am using it is to “test drive” books that I’m interested in. I will buy the book later if I listen to the Bookey version and get excited to dive deeper. 

How much does the Bookey App cost?

Bookey is an Apple Editor’s Choice App, and you can start your self-development journey over there for as low as $1.53 a week, which is $79.99 a year. Or you can choose the monthly subscription for $12.99.

I highly recommend signing up for the annual membership since it’s currently 50% off. 

Also, if you sign up using my link, you will get a free seven-day Bookey Premium trial. 

When you become Bookey Premium, you get unlimited access to all titles with full audio and text, plus the mind map of each book. You also can keep all your favorite titles in one place with the smart library plus the option of download mode so you can listen anywhere. 

You can start a challenge, a learning path, or just browse through your favorite titles and see if it’s the right choice for you! And you can cancel at any time. 

More than having a guided way to invest in your personal development, you will also save money. Plain and simple. 

The average cost of a book is between $13.95 to $17.95. So the price you pay for a whole year of +500 books would only get you six books at best. You can read this in less than a week using Bookey. 

Bookey review free premium membership

You can get my deal of a 7-day free trial of the Bookey Premium membership here.

Bookey Review: How does Bookey help me to read more?

Since I’ve started using Bookey, I finally brought reading back to my daily routine. So now I read as I’m vacuuming the house, doing the dishes, and powering through the endless subway hours a new yorker has to go through. 

It makes me feel way more productive and gives me constant new ideas on how to improve myself, my life, and my relationships. I’ve finally got to read books that I’ve been meaning for years but never had the time. Bestsellers like:

  •  Good to Great, by James Collins
  •  The Gifts of Imperfection, by Dr. Brené Brown 
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey 

…are all available in the app. 

Beyond that, one of the best benefits of using Bookey is that you get to discover books you’ve never would read if not for the app. For example, I’m currently reading Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert and loving it! 

Ok, so how can Bookey help you? 

I am cautious with the brands I chose to endorse, and this Bookey review is no different. I always want to make sure they are aligned with my beliefs and your personal development goals. One of the main reasons I wanted to introduce you to Bookey is because it can level up your journey of creating a life you are absolutely in love with! 

I know you live a busy life, with work or college and maybe kids in the mix. But, with the constant demand from outside, it’s so easy to get caught up in the motion of everyday tasks and neglect investing time for yourself and your growth.

  • With Bookey, you can learn to grow into your best version and level up your life and relationships. Just as you go about your day, having this light and fun background coming through your headphones or car radio. 
  • You decide how much content you will consume at your own pace. Five minutes a day, or 30 minutes a day… whatever you are able/want to do! 
  • Adding to that, you still have the cost-benefit of the amount of money you will save, compared to the number of books you will have available like we already talked about. 
  • The idea that the value of Bookey premium membership, giving you access to +500 titles, is the same you would pay to get only six books… To me, this speaks louder than anything I might write over here.
Bookey review free trial

Click here to get your 7-day free trial

If you sign up for Bookey Premium Membership but are confused for any reasons (where to start, how to fit this into your daily routine, etc.), you can always email me, and I will help you out. That’s why I am here, so don’t hesitate to send me a message at

Also, if you are not ready to go Premium, you can still listen to the opening section of each title. Take your time to make the decision that works best for you, dear. 

Bookey Review Final Conclusion: Is the Bookey App Membership worth it?

So, what are my final thoughts on Bookey? 

  • After giving the app a chance, I think it is one of the best ways to start your personal development journey or take it to another level. 
  • Before using Bookey, I hadn’t found a place with guided reading lists tailored precisely to my goals or a tool like the Learning Path. I have the step-by-step readings I need to master a topic. 
  • Having all the books they talk about available right there, with mental maps, key ideas, and audio, it’s a major plus!
  • Bookey is becoming one of my best allies in this beautiful adventure of creating a life I absolutely love and becoming the badass I was born to be. 

Click here to claim your 7-day free trial of the Bookey Premium Membership.

Bookey review: Is the Bookey App Membership worth it

What about you, are you also obsessed with reading? Do you use the Bookey app? Share some of your best reading tips in the comments below; I always love to learn more with you all! I hope you enjoyed my Bookey App review! 

Always remember: you deserve to live a life you are absolutely in love with. 

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Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.


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