Life Routines

My 5-STEP Night Routine for a Productive Day

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Last Updated on April 29, 2024 by Isabelle Dias

You dream about a night routine for success, but instead, you are spending one more night binge-watching Netflix until 2am. You wake up way past the original alarm, stumble your way across the kitchen to grab some coffee, and promise yourself: “This can’t happen again!” 

You start your day slow, you are feeling super tired. In the end, surprise surprise, you were not being able to complete all the tasks you wanted. 

You feel ashamed and overwhelmed, which leads to another binge-watching session… Ops, you did it again. 

All you want, it’s to be productive and feel in control! But this seems like a dream far, far away. ): 

What if I told you there is a way to break the cycle? It all starts when you take a close look at your night routine. In those precious 30-40 minutes before bed, lays the secret for a productive day.

After lots of trial and error, I gathered what worked best for my clients and me. This lead me to create a 5-STEP process for you: a delightful night routine that will create all the conditions for the most productive day ever!

Come closer and let me show you the way to your most productive self! 

Successful Night Routine

Step #1: Turn the relax vibes on 

Let’s start creating the right environment for you to unwind and recharge, so tomorrow you can wake up on your top game. 

There are many ways to easily create a relaxing environment. Those are one of my favorites:

  • Light some scented candles
  • Put a relaxing playlist
  • Take a long warm shower
  • Invest time in a good skincare routine (I go over the basics here, check it out for more info)
  • Get in some comfy PJs

Pick your favorites and mix and match! You can put a relaxing playlist while taking a long warm shower. Or light some candles and then get into your PJs and finish up with some skincare self-love. 

The night is yours, so start it to make you feel more happy, relaxed and good about yourself. 

This first step is so essential because to be in a healthy productivity state, you need to prioritize time for yourself.  

When you create those moments where you are intentionally putting yourself in a relaxed and calm state, you align your energy with wholeness and overflow. 

When you feel grounded, you don’t rush or compare. You can focus on the tasks and challenges in front of you with the perspective that you need to be. And this my friends, it’s where the magic starts. 

Step #2: Reflect on today, create tomorrow 

Now that you are in the right headspace, it’s time to reflect on your day and create a strategy for the next one. 

Night Time Routine Part I: Close Off The Day

Think about your last 24 hours and write down at least one thing that went pretty well and how you were responsible for making that happen.

For example:

Waking up earlier to work out went pretty well because I didn’t hit the snooze button and stayed committed to my plan. 

The work presentation was really good because I did further research and brainstormed the best strategies beforehand with the team. 

My date was terrific because I opened myself to listen to the other person and ask honest, legitimate questions while still sharing little bits about myself. 

This contemplation exercise’s importance is to analyze the strengths you already have and start to create a more profound sense of confidence in yourself and your abilities.

This will help you look at your next day with more assertiveness in your choices and strategies. 

Nightly Routine Ideas Part II – Get Ready For Tomorrow

After that, it’s time to plan for the next day! 

Write down your to-do list for the next day. I know it’s tempting to put 27 different tasks, but focus on three to five main chores and assign a priority – that one thing that, once it’s done, already made your day worth it.

I’m asking you to limit your to-do list points, so you don’t wake up already feeling overwhelmed. Start with a small number and add up tasks once you complete the ones in there. 

After that, close your eyes and imagine your perfect morning routine. Imagine yourself waking up on time, happy, refreshed, and about your day confident in yourself. 

The fantastic thing about visualizing your next morning is that our brain is generating an impulse that instructs our neurons to perform that action while we are doing.

The beauty in this is that it creates a new neural pathway that adjusts our body to act consistently to what we just imagined. 

Put simply: visualization it’s like a rehearsal for the brain. So when the time to act comes, it’s like: “Oh, I’ve done this before! I know what I need to do!”.  

This will help your plans for the next morning and day to run smoothly as possible. 

If you need ideas on your morning routine, I wrote a post with three different powerful ideas to start your day in the best way possible. Also, all of them are under five minutes! Click here to read and choose which one you are going to try tomorrow. 

Step #3: Make things easier for your future self 

Now that you already have your game plan for the next day, it’s time to organize your surroundings. This will help your future self have everything it needs to succeed and be productive!

Start thinking about everything you can prep tonight, that will make your morning easier. A few examples are:

  • Choose your next day outfit and leave it folded next to your bed
  • Get your bad/backpack/purse ready with everything you will need
  • Leave your breakfast pre-ready (overnight oats, anyone?) or put the ingredients you will use already in the counter (eggs, fruits for your smoothie…) 
  • Set up your alarm

Getting things ready the night before will optimize your morning time and supercharge your chances of having the most productive day ever! 

Step #4 Connect with the Universe

Before going to bed, it’s essential to take a few minutes to remind yourself that you are not alone in this big world and are always being taken care of. There is something bigger than yourself looking out for you.

This will make you go to sleep in a calm, grateful, and relaxed state of mind and spirit. 

Beyond that, putting yourself in this state will make your cortisol levels (the stress hormone) calm down. Allowing your mind to have a break and your body to experience restorative sleep. See… there is a method to the madness! 

There are many ways you can achieve this connection, so pick the one most aligned with your beliefs.

You can meditate, pray, make declarations (I wrote those for you to do before bed), or mix all of them. 

Step #5 Get cuddle up in bed and unwind with a book

Now that you already have the next morning nailed down and have yourself feeling extra relaxed, it’s time to fill your subconscious with good juice to work with during your sleep! 

You can go about this moment in two ways: the first one is picking something to read just for pleasure, like a romance, a poetry book, a novel… This will help you slow down even more and take your mind away, getting your body ready to sleep.

The second one is picking a book based on self-development, or even something related to your work. This one focuses on the goals you want to achieve and the knowledge you wish to acquire. 

This will also help you slow down, but you will be making it easier for your brain to retain the information. Since it’s the last thing on you are getting in contact with. A few minutes later, your subconscious will be working on consolidating the learning of the day. It will be fresh! 

Both ways work! Go with whatever makes more sense to you in this season of life. 

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Night routine for productivity

Oh my dear sleeping beauty, now you are ready for sound sleep and a badass productive day tomorrow! It’s time to conquer the world!

If you enjoyed this post or have any questions, please feel free to leave me a comment below! I would love to hear from you!


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Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.

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