Reinventing Yourself

5 Tips to Boost Your Self Confidence Instantly

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Last Updated on April 29, 2024 by Isabelle Dias

Do you hate those days when you wake up just “not feeling it.” You look in the mirror, and everything seems wrong. You try to decide what to wear, nothing seems to look good. You open your Instagram, everyone you follow seems to be this perfect model with perfect skin, body, and life. UGH! 

Have you ever had those moments when all you need it’s just a boost of self-confidence? If so, I got you, babe! And this post with 5 quick tips to boost your confidence instantly it’s for you. Let’s dive in! 

Boost your self confidence tips

#1 Make a list of all the things you love about yourself

Go all in! You can start by your music taste, the fact that you make the best brownie ever, how good you are with planning, your smile, the way you make others see the bright side of any situation… 

It can go from physical appearance, from culinary skills to relationships behaviors, work abilities…

Write it down everything that comes to your mind. And after that, read carefully, trying to picture situations where those aspects of yourself were in play. Bring yourself to this beautiful, bubbly, grateful state. 

You can do this on the notes of your phone, but I recommend grabbing some real pen and paper – studies show that you retain more information when you handwrite. There is a method to the madness, trust! 

And in case you are having trouble thinking about things you love about yourself, jump to tips #2! 

#2 Send a message to your three closest friends with this question:

“I am doing this research, and I need to know four things you admire about me.” 

If those people chose to be your friends, I am SURE; they see something in you!

This also works for your boyfriend, husband, siblings… 

Send this message to those friends you know are awkward proof that you can really be yourself with. 

As the answers begin to get in, write them down and start your own list of “Things I love about me”

Again, read carefully and take it all in. Look what a beautiful perspective those fantastic people have of you. Could you start to see yourself through their eyes? 

Improve your self confidence

#3 Remember three goals you reached over the last two years

From getting into a grad school, you always wanted. Moving out of your parents or making that fabulous trip to Europe. Think about the last two years and how much you conquered them.

Once again, write it down and reminisce in every one of them! How you dreamt about it, your plan, what a badass you found out yourself to be as you conquered your goals… 

The idea is to START with three, but add more if you remember! Take this time to celebrate you and your awesomeness! 

#4 Invest a few minutes in front of the mirror doing I AM affirmations on self-love, self-worth, and confidence  

Affirmations are so powerful, and an incredible pick me up during times we feel low. They will send a positive stimulus to your brain and shake up things inside. 

So, find a place with a mirror where you could be alone for some minutes. The bathrooms are great!

And start doing I AM declarations about yourself. Look in the mirror as you do it, think about those words getting inside of you and becoming your reality, inside out.  

Here are a few ones to get you started:

I am worthy

I am fully deserving of love and acceptance

I am continually falling more and more in love with myself

I am strong, confident, intelligent, lovable, beautiful and worthy of my dreams

Click here to get 32 I AM Affirmations to Boost Your Self Confidence!  

 Best ways to boost your self confidence

#5 Try one of those guided meditations for confidence 

I am obsessed with meditations! They are SO POWERFUL and capable of giving you a full transformational experience, body, mind, and soul. I know that, especially in the beginning, it can be hard to concentrate and “empty your mind.”

That’s why guided meditations are so fitting for beginners. You just need to listen and follow the instructions. 

I handpicked some of the most powerful guided meditations for confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth around. You can choose your favorite and give yourself those minutes to boost your confidence ASAP! 

What can boost your self confidence

It’s important to remember that, although majestic, confidence boosts are just a quick fix for a more significant issue. If you are really committed to becoming a badass, confident woman, you need to commit yourself to the full journey.

Since this is one of my favorite topics to write about, I have lots of fun and helpful resources to help you with that! Here is my advice on where to start:

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Now, let me know: what are three things you LOVE about yourself? Write it down in the comments, and let’s boost that confidence! 

Learn the ultimate self-confidence pick me up with my best five and quick tips to boost your confidence right now! It's life changing!

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Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.


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