daily self-care checklist for women
Life Routines,  Self-Care

10 Simple Daily Self-Care Activities To Start This Week

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Self-care lovers, are you always pinning self-care checklists in your Pinterest boards but never really knowing how to make them work into your busy daily routine? 

I’ve been there. That’s why in this article, I will share with you ten simple ways to actually practice daily self-care instead of only wishing you had time for it.  I will also give you actionable examples of how to make time in your schedule a daily self-care routine. On #4, I have a special gift for you, so stay tuned and get ready!

This one is a big one, so grab a cup of tea and get cozy. If you need to pin this for later, I recommend doing that now!

Daily self-care ideas for women Pinterest pin

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Daily self care ideas

#1 Journal for 10 minutes 

Journaling is one of the most powerful self-reflection tools. It helps you understand yourself on a deeper level. Because how can you care about someone you know nothing about? 

Besides the opportunity to buy a new cute journal, journaling has benefits like reducing stress, boosting mood, and strengthening memory function. Can you believe that it even improves immune function? Holistic self-care, babe! That’s what I’m talking about! 

If you don’t know where to start, it’s ok! I got some guided journal prompts to get you going. So pick your favorite:

14 Self-Care Journal Prompts For Beginners

15 Unique Journal Prompts for Healing

23 Eye-Opening Finding Yourself Journal Prompts

17 Daily Self-Reflection Journal Prompts

If you want some extra help to kick-start your journaling habit, that’s exactly what I teach inside The 21-Day Self-Discovery Plan, so this might be your next step.

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#2 Take a long warm bath, listening to your favorite playlist

Is there anything better than taking a long warm bath or shower listening to music that you love?

It’s a super simple and doable self-care moment. It also relieves muscle tension and lowers blood sugar, promoting instant relaxation. 

The reason I love adding music to it, it’s just how it can make the moment more unique, crafted just for you. 

Most of us have such demanding lives, with deadlines and taking care of other people and their needs. Deciding to make a simple thing like your shower a little extra special can go a long way in keeping your cup full. 

My everyday self-care ritual is to light some candles, connect my shower Bluetooth speaker to my current favorite Spotify playlist, and enjoy the simple bliss of a long shower without interruptions. 

If you want to turn this moment into a self-care routine for your skin moment, I have some of my all-time favorite skincare and body care products listed over here.

Self-care tips for mental health

#3 Organize that room/drawer that has been driving you crazy 

Have you ever heard about boring self-care? If not, let me introduce you to it!

Think about those chores that we used to hate doing as kids: cleaning, organizing, purging old stuff. Have you ever realized that now they can give us a deep sense of peace and organization? That’s boring self-care!  

Like organizing your wardrobe, meal prepping, or a good old cleaning binge around the house. 

Is anything better than waking up to prepare your coffee in a kitchen with no dirty dishes on the sink? 

So take a few minutes out of your day to organize that top drawer that makes you feel overwhelmed every time you open it. Or that treadmill that became a clothes rack.

Tune in to your inner Marie Kondo and indulge in the wonders of boring self-care, my dear!

You do you, Marie Kondo!

#4 Take a workout class that you love! 

Moving your body is one of the most critical dimensions of self-care. Besides investing that time in yourself, a dance of feel-good hormones happens inside as you do it. 

When you exercise, your body releases Endorphins. Think of them as natural painkillers, mood boosters, and confidence builders.

How incredible is the human body that we can create such remarkable outcomes just from moving that booty? 

As someone who used to think that “I wasn’t a workout person” and today considers the gym one of her favorite places in the world, I’ve come to realize everyone has a type of exercise that can become “the one”.

And when I say “the one”, I mean the workout that is perfect for them and their personality. Some people’s thing might be going for long runs or long strolls around the neighborhood. For others, it may be dance classes or low-impact 10-minute YouTube workouts. For others, it may even be lifting very heavy stuff and asking themselves, “Why do I even drive joy from this?” and then coming back to another class less than 24 hours later (that will be me, yep).

So find what that thing is for you, and then give it a chance! Moving your body doing something you absolutely love is one of the purest forms of daily self-care.

More self-care ideas

#5 Bake a Pinterest-worthy dessert 

… Or just an ugly delicious dessert! Think about something you love and have been craving for a while. 

Studies have already shown that the benefits of baking for your mental health are endless. It helps you focus and brings you to a meditative state. It also boosts positivity and helps your brain stay healthy (you go, chocolate chip brownies!). 

But there is more. The way I see it, baking is also an act of self-care and self-love. 

When we take some time to invest in nourishing ourselves, we tell our body that its needs are important and that we listen to it. 

We live in a world where diet and shame culture are continually telling us that it is unsafe to trust our bodies. Such a simple act as baking the cookies you have been dreaming about for days can feel like liberation! Oh, delicious freedom. 

#6 Binge-watch some videos on skincare and then put them into practice 

Skincare is always listed as one of the essential daily self-care activities we should all prioritize. But have you ever had that feeling that you buy all those products, try all those routines, and don’t really see the results? I’ve been there, done that, sis.

In the best of worlds, we would go to a dermatologist and discover exactly what our skin needs, and leave with a list of the best products to reach our skin goals.

But, unfortunately, that’s not a possibility for many of us. That’s when social media comes to the rescue!

It’s possible to find high-quality skincare advice and direction from some beauty Creators and understand what little adjustments and additions we can make to our everyday beauty routine to level up things and get better results.

One of my favorite creators on this topic is Hyram Hyram is a gem on the internet, and we should all be so lucky to have him. But if you’ve never heard of him, let me introduce you to this life-changing human! 

He is a skincare specialist based in Hawaii. He creates in-depth yet fun-to-watch YouTube videos, educating the world on skincare and what actually works! 

Take a few minutes to watch his Skin Care 101 series and write down some notes. 

After watching this and changing how I was washing my face and applying moisturizer (!), I had mind-blowing results in a matter of days! Can you believe I had all the right products but was using them wrong? 

What better beauty self-care routine than educating yourself on how to step up your skincare game? 

#7 Spend some time in silence praying or meditating

Science has been saying over and over how praying and meditating can trigger the release of feel-good chemicals in the brain and lower our reactivity to negative events. 

When you commit to spending a few minutes connecting with something Greater, you apply the tools necessary to relax your body and mind.

Prayer and meditation can make you feel grounded, giving you a clearer perspective on life and yourself. That’s why they work so wonderfully as a daily self-care practice.

What are the daily acts of self-care?

#8 Call your favorite person

Let’s talk about social self-care! As we all know, humans are social creatures. Even when you identify yourself as an introvert. 

In fact, a Harvard Study (it’s HARVARD, you guys) has shown that good relationships can protect our bodies against aging and pain. Does that sound like next-level self-care to you?

This study also shows that the quality of the relationships is what matters. And that when we focus on the most meaningful relationships, we have better results. 

So, to make things simple and doable, how about you call your favorite person? Your mom, best friend, sister… Call just to chat, laugh, and enjoy their company.

If you have the luck to live in the same household as your favorite person, take sometime in the day to fully invest your attention in a conversation with them.

During pandemic times, my husband and I love to create in-home coffee dates. We go out to our favorite coffee shop around the corner, get our favorite drinks and pastries, and bring them home. We put a coffee shop playlist on and just enjoy our own little coffee shop experience. Talking for hours about everything and anything. That’s just the best feeling, and I feel so whole and happy after! A good daily self-care practice should make you feel!

#9 Take a long walk outside while listening to your favorite podcast 

The reason why I love this self-care practice is that it unites three powerful components in one: 

  • You are working out.
  • You are investing in your personal development while listening to a podcast.
  • A new study has shown that exposure to nature reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, stress, high blood pressure, and even premature death. 

By investing time in this, you will be taking care of your physical and mental health. Talk about a daily self-care win-win! 

#10 Take a deep breath and ask yourself: What do I feel like doing right now? 

Ultimately, the most important self-care practice is to just take a deep breath, bring yourself to the present, and ask: what do I really want to do? 

Maybe you just want to grab a good book with a big cup of tea and spend a few hours immersed in a different universe. 

Or binge-watch some Netflix

Maybe you just want to go to bed early and sleep until you feel like it.

And that’s ok! All of those things are also self-care because you are the one person who truly knows what you need to feel taken care of. 

Just take a deep breath and know that it is safe to listen to yourself and your needs. 

Now, I want to hear from you! What did you think of these ten simple daily self-care activities to start this week? Is self-care a part of your regular daily routine, or are you just starting to implement it? 

Leave a comment below and tell me about it.

If those ideas were helpful, be sure to pin it for later!

Daily self-care checklist for women Pinterest pin

Effortless Daily Self-Care Routines Based On Your Love Language

What To Do On A Self-Care Day At Home

How To Start An Easy Self-Care Routine You’ll Love

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Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.


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