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Must Reads,  Reinventing Yourself

Life Reset Challenge: The Ultimate Checklist

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Last Updated on April 29, 2024 by Isabelle Dias

How to do a life reset, you ask? If you feel it’s time to shake things up, reinvent yourself, and change your life for good, know that you are exactly where you need to be.

In this blog post, I am sharing my life reset checklist with you, with a step-by-step process that will guide you through the journey of getting unstuck in life and starting over. 

So grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea, get cozy and get ready to take notes! We are about to embark on an adventure that has the power to change your life forever. So let’s do this, my dear! 

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My reset your life checklist

When learning how to do a life reset, it’s essential to outline the four parts of the process: 

  • Evaluate the present
  • Plan the journey
  • Create your vision
  • Implementation 

The way I’ve named stages is pretty self-explanatory. Still, as we approach each one, I will explain in detail what it entails, give your resources, and give my best recommendations.

So don’t worry, dear! Rest assured that you are not alone in this journey of starting over in life. 

How long does it take to reset your life?

That depends. It can take a weekend. A week. A month or ninety days. 

Everything depends on the rhythm you want to follow and how much time you want to invest in each stage. 

Maybe you wanna dedicate a whole afternoon to evaluate the present, a weekend to plan the journey and create your vision. 

If you want my recommendation, I’d say you can layout this reset your life challenge to start like this:

  • Friday afternoon/night: Evaluate the present
  • Saturday: Plan the journey
  • Sunday: Create your vision & integrate (we will talk more about this last part later)
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How to do a life reset

Stage One: Evaluate the present 

Have you ever noticed how the maps on your phone work? To understand which route you need to take to get to the destination, you must first add your current location. 

A life reset works just the same. 

Start by making an inventory of your life. What you love and what you don’t. What you wanna keep and what you wanna get rid of. 

One of the most effective ways to do this is by journaling. To help you jump start, here are a few options that you can pick and choose to follow thoroughly, or mix and match the journaling prompts that you feel will help you better: 

Journaling for self-reflectionI created those journaling prompts as a daily self-reflection tool, but you can adapt to understand where you are in life right now. When answering the questions, think about your last 6 months and then write your answer down.

Journaling to find yourself: These writing prompts are a powerful glimpse into your inner world, child wounds, and shadows. Because they can bring so many emotions and memories to the surface (sometimes not good or pleasant ones), I don’t recommend doing all of them at once. Instead, choose a few ones that speak the most to you, or pace yourself to answer them over a few days. 

Journaling for your self-confidence and self-perception: These journal prompts are one of my favorites. Here you will reflect on how you perceive yourself, who you are, and where you came from. It’s a great way to develop admiration and self-compassion towards yourself, both much needed during the process of a life reset. 

Whatever path you choose, make sure to finish this stage with a clear answer to this questions: 

  • Where are you in life right now, physically and emotionally?
  • What do you absolutely love about your life and want to keep it?
  • What do you not like that much, and needs adjustment?
  • What can’t you stand anymore and need to be completely gone?
  • What is your biggest motivation for this life reset? 

How do you change your life?

Stage two: Plan the journey

Now that you have clarity on your start point, it’s time to map out your journey. 

Look at where you are now and where you want to get. 

Remember the map on your phone? Plan your journey the same way you would on that app: write down your starting point and final destination and the directions you need to get from A to B. 

You can also think of this as writing the instructions for a recipe. 

Suppose you feel lost about where to start or even what to do. In that case, I recommend researching the story and journey to success of people who have already achieved what you want. Understand how they did it, which tools they used, learn from their mistakes. 

As you get inspired by their journeys, start to look for similarities on those different paths. What do they all have in common, and how can you apply that to your own life reset?

Also, I am not saying you should copy word-by-word what they did. Every person is different, and maybe not everything will apply to your, your lifestyle, and your current situation. 

Approach this moment with the mindset of research, be curious, get inspired, and outline parallels between different success stories.

Then, create your unique plan based on what you learned. 

Don’t beat yourself up to have everything figured out from day one. It’s ok to figure out the details as you go. 

This phase aims to create a master plan, a rough draft…. or a map if you will.

Write down your plan with the resources you have right now, and start with that. 

It doesn’t need to be perfect. It just needs to get started. 

How to stay on track for your life reset challenge

Can I tell you a secret? 

Motivation is not the most reliable resource to reach your goals. 

I have to break it to you, but psychologists have been talking for a while that motivation is not enough. 

In fact, focusing on only your own willpower to get things done can even damage your self-esteem.  

Think for a second: the days where you can wake up and get all the things done, you feel great about yourself. But on the days where you don’t get them done… you feel like a failure. 

That’s why creating systems and routines is so important, especially when talking about big plans and goals.

When you create a system or a routine, you automatize most of your behavior. Consequently, making it easier to stay consistent, even on the days you don’t feel motivated. 

How to create systems and routines for the ultimate life reset

Don’t underestimate the power of small steps. Small steps are one of the biggest secrets to building consistency.

Look into your map and the goals you outlined and break them down into daily actions.

Think of this as a reverse engineering process. 

For example, let’s suppose one of your main goals is to start a successful online business. So you got clear about what you will sell, who your clients are, and which platforms you are in. 

Reverse engineering this process would look like this:

  • Start by creating your account on those platforms.
  • Map out a content and posting plan, separating a few hours of your day to make that content. 
  • Then interacting with your audience, building relationships with them, understanding their problem deeper, creating a solution in product form.
  • Start testing solutions with your audience and how you can make this a profitable product…

You got the idea.  

If you are interested in creating small habits that can completely change your life. In that case, I can’t recommend enough getting the book Atomic Habits.

In the book, the author James Clear gives concrete and simple tools to apply to daily life that you can use to set and reach any possible goal you might think of.

Reading this book and applying it to my own life was a game-changer on productivity and the whole way I approach my goals. If you are ready to take your goal setting to the next level, you can click here to get your copy.

Always take care of yourself first

I need to talk about this before we go on. 

Do you know what the only common denominator between all your goals and your biggest dreams is? You. 

You are in all of them, and without you, they will never happen. 

That’s why it’s essential to be intentional about your self-care and create little routines and rituals that will help you take care of yourself.

This way, you will feel energized and grounded to keep building a life you are absolutely in love with. 

One of the best ways to do this consistently and realistically is by implementing a morning or night routine.

I have a different approach than most people when guiding you through crafting a routine that works FOR YOU. I called it the “body, soul, spirit balance.” 

Here are a few extra resources I recommend you reading through, so I can help you in the best way possible along this process: 

My morning routine for beginners

Learn how to start a night routine

Level up your night routine with these productivity secrets

Putting it all together

It can be hard to integrate new goals into daily life when they seem to be alienated entirely from your routine. 

That’s why I want you to look at the small daily actions you’ve listed and think about how they can fit into your routine. 

Once again: think small. Doable. Easy to replicate. 

Waking up 20 minutes earlier to work on your business plan is way more realistic than to start waking up at 4:30 am overnight. 

Look for the time gaps you have in your day: lunch break, that scrolling hour right before leaving for work, or going to bed, for example. 

Life reset day 

Stage three: Create your vision

Phew! That was a lot! But take a deep breath because we are on the home stretch. 

Now that you have your action plan, it’s time to create a vision for your future.

You might be wondering: “Well, but aren’t my plans the vision for my future?”

Hm… Kinda. But not completely. 

Sometimes, when you are committed to doing a full life reset, the idea of what your life will look like once things are in their new place may seem very far away… Feeling more like daydreaming than your soon-to-be reality.

For that reason, it’s essential to make your dream tangible and create a vision.

This will help you remember what really matters and that all those plans are nothing more than your undoubted destiny.

Vision boards are the best way to do that.

In this post over here, I give you all the knowledge I have regarding this technique. Plus, how to seamlessly integrate it into your routine and how to make it effective. 

So go over my vision board guide, and spend some time studying and understanding how it can help you change your life. 

Also, if you are a visual learner, here is the summary of this content in video format:

How would you change your life?

Stage four: Integrate 

It’s all fun and games until… Well, actually, it can all stay like fun and games. 

Unfortunately, society has created this lie that things need to be hard, and we need to suffer to succeed. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Of course, not all days are going to be rainbows and butterflies. Still, your journey into resetting your life can be a light endeavor instead of a heavy and hard one. 

With that in mind, our final stage of life reset enters the room: integration.

Here you are going to start implementing all those plans and routines you’ve already put together. 

Consistency is your best friend during this time. Keep your routines simple, so you can go through them without feeling overwhelmed. 

Create small goals and milestones for yourself, and celebrate all of them. 

Were you able to create all social media accounts for your business? Then, buy yourself that fancy latte! 

Have you finished writing your book idea outline? Then, take yourself for a celebratory mani-pedi! 

When you attribute happy feelings and safe environments to meeting your goals, your brain learns that getting things done is great! 

As a result, your subconscious will slowly adjust to keep you on track, motivated, and crushing those goals. 

Move-in silence, but… 

I am a big believer in the move-in-silence approach, but I also know the power of having the right people cheering you on. 

This is optional, but sharing your goal with someone you trust and that believes in you is one of the wisest things you can do in the process of creating a life you are absolutely in love with.

Find someone you feel safe with, knowing that they will celebrate your victories, cry with you on the moments that suck, and give you that much-needed pep talk on the days you find hard to believe in yourself. 

Share with them your plans, dreams and ask for emotional support. 

Again: it’s totally optional! I completely understand if you don’t feel like you have that person in your life. That’s where this last tip can help you out! 

Keep yourself inspired

Consume content that challenges, teaches, and inspires you.

New information, perspectives, and strategies will be coming your way. 

This attitude will help you with consistency and new inputs in your journey. 

Books and podcasts are some of my favorite ways to keep myself learning and inspired. So I compiled some of my all-time must-reads and must-listens in those lists over here:

Personal development books every woman should read ASAP

In your 20s? Check out those books over here

Prefer fiction? Here is my list of the most life-changing fiction books around for personal development

Top 10 Podcasts for inspiration and motivation for women

One last idea to help you keep yourself inspired is by signing up for a journaling challenge. When you create a commitment like that, you have the structure you need to show up for yourself every day. 

“Ok, that sounds cool, Isabelle… but where can I find a journal challenge that will do all that?”

What a coincidence! Over here at the blog, I have my OG 30 Day Journal Challenge For Self Love & Mental Health.

Over there, you will get daily personal development activities, content, and journal prompts to challenge and inspire you. It’s free, and you can start at any time.

I hope that through the ebbs and flows of a life reset, you always remember to have grace with yourself. 

Some days will be great. Others will be awful. Some days you will feel on top of the world. Some days you will ask yourself, “Who am I to think I can do this?”. 

All of this is entirely normal, and having bad days don’t mean that you are a failure. It simply means you are human. 

Take a deep breath and remind yourself that better days are coming, but it’s ok to feel all the feelings (even the uncomfortable ones). 

Do whatever you need to go through those days, but pay extra attention to how you can take care of yourself on those. Maybe it’s Netflix and your favorite ice cream. Perhaps it’s taking a long warm bath and cozy up with some books. 

Either way, give yourself love, grace, and time. 

Ok, now you need to tell me: When are you planning to start your life reset challenge? And if you have already started, how is it going? 

Leave a comment below and tell me about it!

If those ideas were helpful, be sure to share them with a friend that can use this! 

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Hello you! My name is Isabelle, a Rio de Janeiro girl living in a small town in Georgia, with the love of my life (aka my husband) and our bossy-yet-adorable Pomeranian Lucy. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business while researching on Pinterest what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning about what it takes to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, and successful. A life you love.


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